chapter eighteen part 2

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Ally's POV

"You want some wacamole with that?" Trish asked me, as I chewed my hair

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's not very apatizing to watch" I said, as I pulled my hair out of my mouth

"Oh! I have an idea! Why don't we retrace your steps from today and maybe we'll figure out were you left your book" Trish said

"Okay. Um.. I got here early so I wrote in my book, next to Minnie's." I said, as I turned around to glance at Minnie's "Then I went to work, and on my break I took a walk past Minnie's" as I turned around to glance at Minnie's again. "Then I went to-" I began to say but Trish cut me off

"Wait, why do you keep talking about Minnie's?" Trish asked, I scoffed

"I'm not. I didn't. Why did the cute resigster guy who works there ask about me?" I asked

"No way! You have a crush on the resigster guy who works at Minnie's! That's what you wrote in your book isn't?" Trish said, I could feel my cheeks getting red

"WhaaaT? The register guy?That's crazy why would I- holly unlimted smoothies he is so cute!"  I said, as I turned around and glanced at Adam.

"I mean look at him? Kind eyes, hair that flopps just the right way, we work so close to each other and yet were so far apart, and he smells like a fresh summer brezze Whats cooler than a guy whos name sarts with an A, and his names is  Adam." I said, as I turned around back to Trish.

"Be cool, here he comes" I said, and leaned back on my chair.

"Excusme me" Adam said, as he around me, and went towards the trash can. Trish shot me a look, and I responded my shooting her back. I sighed in defeat and got up

"Oh, so you like throwing trash away." I said, and laughed nervously

"Uh.. Yeah I guess" he said

"No way me too" I said, and grabbed Trish's Nachos and threw them in the trash and leaned against it.

"Uh..Okay" he said, and walked away. I sighed and back down

"I wasn't done with that" Trish said, I grabbed my hair and started chewing on it again. I sighed and we started walking back towards Sonic Boom.

Austin's POV

"What am I going to do? I don't want to things be all weird with me and-" I said, as Dez and I walked downstairs

"Ally!" Dez yelled, as Ally and Trish entered the store

"And Trish, I'm short not invisible" Trish said

"No way! you found my book" Ally said, as I gave her book back

"Yeah, it was in-" I began to say as I looked over the pratice room, but Ally cut me off when she grabbed my by the collar and wrapped her hands around my neck

"I love you, I love you, I love you" she said, my eyes widen as she let me go. I looked over at Dez and he just scrated his head.

"I am so relieved, lets go work on that new song for south beach sound." she said, as she grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs. I turn back to look at Dez who had his eyes wide, like mine.

" Okay, lets get to work I think we should- Why you shut the door?" I asked, worried and scared, as we entered the pratice room and Ally slamed the door shut

"Because we always shut the door when we write a song, its more private." she said

"Maybe we should change that. What do we have to hide" I said, and walked over to the door and opened it. I walked outside and yelled

Austin and Ally: AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now