Chapter twenty

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Austin's POV
I sighed and sat down on my bed. I looked through my Instagram and I found a picture of Ally and Adam on their first date. Ally was wearing a stripped long sleeve shirt, with ripped skinny jeans, black and white converse and a leather jacket, and  her hair was straighten and she had  some light make-up and pink lip gloss. I hit the LIKE button and smiled. I was happy for Ally, Adam is a great guy. He better not hurt her, because if he does I'm going to kill him. I layed on my bed, with my arms acrossed my head. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

"Austin" a male voice said
"Yes?" I said, rubbing my eyes and adjusting them to the bright lights
"Austin, come with me" he said, I got up from the ground and followed him. We entered an office, everything was white, chairs, desks, lamps, cabients, windows, doors.
"Austin, please sit" he said, as he sat on his chair, I sat across from him. He folded his handa and placed them under his chin. 
"Do you have any new information?"
"Yes, I think I'm gaining her trust":
"Thats good" I nodded
"Very well, anything else" I wanted to tell them, that I' starting to fall for her, but I can't. If I do that, then they will take me away from her, and I will not be able to keep her safe.
"No" I lied
"Very well then, Austin, you have to gain her trust, without it, you can't protect her. Beware Austin, danger is coming and you need to afe her before it's to late" I nodded again
"Return, and have full trust with her" he said, then everything went black. 

I woke up, back in my room. I sighed and rubbed my forehead,and lazily got ut of bed. I took a shower, and put on some clothes. A white t-shirt, black jeans, red hoddie, and my black and white converse. I walked towards Sonic Boom, once I got there I saw Ally and Adam hugging. I sighed and entered the store.
"Hey Austin" Ally said
"Hey" I said
"Oh, Austin I just wrote you a new song" Ally said, as she let go of Adam
"Really? Thats great!" I said, Ally nodded
"I'll show it to you later, okay" she said, I smiled
"Okay" I said. Five hours pasted, and costumers entered and exited the store, Adam left two hours ago to his job, there were only a few costumers in the store, so I took this opportunity to gain Ally's trust once and for all.
"Hey Ally" I said
"Hey Austin, whats up" she said with a smile.
"Um.. I want you to know that I will always be here for you, just call me and I'll be there. You can tell me anything" I said, and as soon as I said that she ran towards the pratice room, so I followed.

Ally's POV
"Hey Ally" Austin said
"Hey, Austin" I said, with a fake smile
"Um.. I want you to know that I will always be here for you, just call me and I'll be there. You can tell me anything" he said, and as soon as he said that, I ran towards the pratice room, of course he had to follow me. I closed the door, and leaned against it, he knocked.
"Ally, let me in. Please, I want you to trust me, I'm here for you" he whispered
"No" I said
"Why, why don't you let me in? What did I do wrong, please tell me" he said, I sighed and sobbed quietly
"I can't" I managed to say
"Thats always your answer. Ally, please" he begged. I got up and opened the door, he stood there with a worried face, I walked towards the couch and sat down, he followed and sat next to me.
"Ally, please tell me why you keep shotting me out"
"Austin, the reason I'm doing this, is because... It's because, the last time I trusted a guy and let me in my life.I had my first boyfriend, and he only used me, he only wanted me for lust. I lost my innocence when I was only 13 years old. I'm afraid, you or Adam might do that to me, h- he r-rapped me. I -I don't want that to happen ever again! T-thats why I keep shotting you, and Adam. I don't want to let you guys in, I don't want to be shattered again." I said, in between sobbs. Austin placed him on his lap and held me close, I rested my head on his shoulder and cried.
"Ally, I will never do that to you. I'm so sorry, I just want to protect you from harm, I want to be there for you. If Adam tries to do that, I'm going to kill him. Ally, I need you to trust me, I'm always going to be here for you, I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you." he said, I looked at him, and smiled.
"Thank you Austin. Thanks, I'm sorry for shotting you out, I won't ever do that again, because from here and on, you will be my friend"
"Ally, there is something I want to tell you..." Austin began to say, when Natalie appeared behind him and hit him with a frying pan.
"Austin!" I cried
"Oh, Ally. Little. Bookworm. Ally Marie Dawson, you should know that Austin doesn't mean that, also Adam IS going to rape you, and you will have no one to trust, you will die, all alone, with no one to turn to." she said
"N-no" I said, as I held Austin close to me
"You know that I'm right, Ally." she said, and started walking towards me
"Your wrong" I said
"I'm never wrong, you should now. You and I are the same person." she said
"No! No! Were arn't!" I yelled. She laughed, and pulled out a gun from her back pocket, and pointed it at me.
"Bye, bye Ally" she said, and pulled the triger. I closed my eyes and waited for the bullet to come, but it never did. When I opened them, I saw Natalie's face white as as ghost, then I noticed white beautiful feather wings spread around me and Austin. It was my turn for my face to go as white as a ghost, Austin's shirt was gone, he was shirtless. Also, he had those beautiful white feather wings coming out from his bare back.
"A-Austin..Your an angel" I said, he nodded and stood up, I did as well.  Natalie was gone, and the gun and bullet were on the floor. I walked towards it, and pick it up. 
"Why didn't it kill me?" I said, as I studied the bullet
"Because, know that I gained your trust, I can be able to protect you, and I did. I placed an invisble sheild so the bullet wouldn't go through you." Austin said, I felt my cheeks get warm.
"S-so that means.." I began
"I'm your Guardian Angel" he finished. I smiled widely, and hugged him. Then, I realized he didn't have a shirt on, and his body was hard. I let go and grabbed his shirt off the floor.
"H-here you go" I said, as I gave him his shirt. I didn't look at him, I kept my eyes on the ground so I wouldn't see his well built musclar body. He chuckled
"Thanks, you can look now." he said, I raised my gaze and looked at him.He smiled brightly, and I did to. For the first time in forever, I felt safe, happy and not AFRAID.

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