Chapter 4: School

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"Wake up Y/N-chan!" Kou shook you awake, earning a groan from you.

"What's wrong?" You blinked lazily seeing that the room was dark.

"We have school!"

"I'm skipping..." You mumbled while you were buried under the layers of blankets.

"No your not." Kou pulled the blankets off you and removed the pillow from underneath your head.

"Nuuuu.....I don't wanna go." You whined as he began to drag you from the bed.

"Get up now." You heard a sharp voice that belonged to an irritated Ruki.

"She said she's skipping~" Kou said in a teasing voice.

"Get your ass up now." Ruki snapped and you shot a glare at him.

"Fine but get out I have to change." You said rolling off the bed.

"Breakfast should be ready in five minutes." Ruki scoffed, leaving the room.

"I'll get you for breakfast Neko-chan" Kou smiled with a small wave before leaving.

You walked over to your dresser taking out your uniform then throwing it on. You then fixed your hair for the school night. You plopped yourself on the armchair and went on your phone waiting for Kou.

Five minutes passed...then ten...then twenty. Where is he?

There was a knock on your door before it was opened by Yuma. "Come on you're holding everyone up." Yuma huffed. You got up from the chair and grabbed your backpack before heading out of the room.

You followed Yuma to the dining room where they were all seating distracted from their breakfast. Ruki was stirring his coffee with a teaspoon with a book at hand. Azusa was playing with the table knife while Kou was poking at his pancake out of boredom. Yuma took the seat next to Azusa and cut into his pancake, putting the piece in and chewing angrily.

"Where were you?" Ruki said calmly with his eyes closed, placing his book down onto the table.

"I thought-

"Where were you."He raised his voice a bit louder, his eyes snapping to mine.

You deadpanned, "In my room. Where else would I be?"

"I said breakfast would be ready in five minutes," Ruki spoke, his tone practically dripping venom.

"Well it's not my fault I'm kept captive in my room. Sorry I didn't realize I could leave my room freely." You said cooly.

His eyebrows furrowed and the rest looked at you shocked.

"Just sit down..." He replied stiffly.

You pulled your chair back and sat down with an irritated look. Kou reached for your hand and gave it a soft squeeze and a small smile.

"Eat now Neko-chan," He said quietly.


"Alright don't forget to be here by 4:30 in the morning." Ruki's eyes met yours. "And don't be late."

You scoffed and rolled your eyes in annoyance.

"Alright, Neko-chan let's go" Kou's cold hand slid into yours.


Both of you headed to your first class but you stopped frozen. Kanato was walking with Yui, they were both holding hands. A smug smile set on Yui's lips.



Kou grabbed your shoulders blocking your view and shook you.


You blinked and tears started to swell in your eyes. Then he brought you into a tight hug. "What's wrong?"

You had a lump in your throat and managed to say.


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