Chapter 12: Letter

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Wow, I'm fricking late and 5K is a huge number...Thank you so much I love you all and this is especially for you.



I smiled as my eyes fluttered open to be met with his beautiful amethyst eyes.

"Hi," I whispered, my hand on his pale cheek. 

"You're awake my doll? Did you sleep well?" Kanato kissed my forehead and pulled me closer with his hand around my waist. 

"Of course." I shortly replied taking in his wonderful candy-like scent.

He lightly pecked your lips and I immediately replied to the short kiss, wanting it to last longer. By now both of his arms were around my waist, as my hands were tangled within his thick locks. He bit my bottom lip, drawing blood making me moan out into the silent room. He tugged on the rim of my shirt, but I stopped him before the situation could escalate anymore and he pulled away. 

He pouted, "Why'd you stop??"

"Cause I'm still sore from last week. Ya know since your a vampire, you're a lot rougher." I simply replied.

His nose wrinkled cutely and he sat up, "But—

I cut him off "Nope, we're not having this conversation." I left the bed and stretched as I looked at myself in the mirror "I look as hideous as ever."

In a blink of an eye, Kanato was behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist, head resting on my shoulder with a smile. "You're crazy if you think you're hideous Y/N-chan."

"Y/N-chan," I repeated in awe. "You haven't called me that in a long time Kanato-kun."

He smiled creepily, delighted of my playfulness. "You're fun to have as my toy or my sweet treat that is."

I scoffed, "Right your 'sweet treat'." I quoted with my fingers. I turned around to face him, he was smiling and his smile made the corner of my lips tug upwards into a toothy smile. I shimmied out of his grip and left the room, my thoughts were full.

Did he forget??

Maybe he did...?

Today was the day both of us started dating, after the incident that is. It's been 3 years since the two of us have been dating. I looked back as walking down the steps.

He wasn't following...? Strange. 

I walked into Reji's office and went to his bookshelf. I picked up a book that I found interesting to read in case I get bored. I left the office and walked around the quiet mansion, I pouted my lips questioning.

Why is it so quiet...? Is no one here?

I walked around checking every room, empty. I shrugged it off walking to the kitchen to grab a bag of cheesy puffs. I strode back upstairs into my room. 

He's gone? Maybe he left when I was downstairs...I checked my calendar and my eyebrows furrowed. Strange...why haven't I had my period yet?'I shrugged it off, I'm probably just late.

I sat on my bed hearing a small crushing sound. I scooted over and found that I sat on a small pink envelope. I picked it up, inspecting it I found no information on the sender, though the opening was already ripped. I took the card out of the wrapping and my eyes quickly scanned the piece of parchment.

Kanato, meet me at the same place as always. Don't get caught and this time, take all your brothers with you. Leave the meat sack behind - or the human as you Sakamaki's address her as - and meeting time is straight at dawn.

You know who it's from.

My Sweet Treat {Kanato}Where stories live. Discover now