Chapter 13: Yui

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Omg, I'm legitimately so shocked right now! It happened sooooo fast! Thank you for your support and love...I'll write more anime trash during the summer (maybe a couple short stories( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



I walked to the tower Subaru led me to when all the drama happened. It's been my sanctuary for a while. I climbed up the steps and opened the creaky door, I sat at the chair by the window seeing a clear view of the rose garden. Where did they seriously go?  I glanced out into the courtyard seeing two miniature figures walking to the mansion.

One had bright blonde hair while the other had pale white. My eyes widened and I immediately rushed down the steps of the ancient building. "Shu! Subaru!" I hollered at them while jogging towards them. Subaru's eyes widened and he shoved Shu into the mansion shutting the large doors behind abruptly.

My eyes narrowed and I entered the mansion myself finding it once again abandoned. "Shu!?.....Subaru!!?" I heard a small shuffle and closed my eyes listening to every little sound made in the mansion. I heard someone breathing, I kept my eyes closed and let my body walk to the noise.

I reached forward and felt a soft cloth. I gripped on and felt a grasp of wind blow and my ears got clogged from the pressure. My eyes opened, Kanato. My eyes narrowed and I smacked his chest with the palm of my hand. "Jerk." I walked away to my old room leaving him speechless and dumbfounded.

I slammed the door, quickly scrambling to grab the paper and envelope. I crinkled the paper stuffing it into my back pocket and left the room to the main living room. Shu was laying on the couch lazily, I quickly avoided him and threw the parchment in the flaming fire. Subaru approached me silently and pat my head. "Meet me at the tower at the brink of dawn...I'll explain."

I nodded and Subaru walked away to his sleeping quarter. I sighed staring at the flame, what's happening...? With my pursed lips I walked to my old room, I smiled at the more calming sight decor instead of my vibrant like before.


I frowned at the empty spot next to me. Kanato wasn't here...all his brothers returned. All but him. I stared out the window, it's close to dawn. I covered myself in a cloak and made my way past the silent corridors out into the garden. In the tower I found Subaru staring out the window.

"Y/'re here."

I shifted, "Of course, you wanted me to be here. Am I wrong?" He shook his head quickly and avoided my gaze, I turned to face him correctly but he held my shoulder to stop. "Is something wrong...?" I brushed off his hand and faced him swiftly catching a glimpse of his face.

My eyes widened. "Subaru—

"I know..." He took a breath before proceeding. "You need to leave this place Y/N. It's no place for you, leave tomorrow night. That's the only chance you have—

"Kanato. What about him?" I questioned.

"Forget about him. Just leave." Subaru spoke while avoiding your eyes. Forget about him? He changed for me..."Subaru...he's changed...for me." 

Subaru chuckled darkly, "Then if you see him now, you'd see him as a traitor."


"Yui's back and much stronger than before."



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