chapter IV

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they stopped talking when a flash of light came from outside.

"it's a new one gotta go. I'll talk later" Ronen said.

"can I help" Keven asked.

"ya distract the other clans".

"ok" he ran outside and yelled, "look another one" but the men paid no attention, "look out" they still paid no attention. He ran through the men only to be struck in the chest with a staff that left him breathless. when he finely got up he saw a wagon at the top of a hill. the wagon was full of food and supplies. he ran to it and grabbed two pans and started banging them together, but the men paid no attention so he climbed on the wagon to get higher in hopes it could get their attention. all it did was make them fight harder. he remembered the bow and was just about to use it when the cart started to roll. it gained speed and caught a couple of men by surprise sweeping theme up and carrying them to a stream. they all got soaked, but it did stop the cart.

the supplies had already fallen out and been taken away. Keven wiped the water from his eyes only to see a very angry familiar face; it was Ronen standing there with his hand gripping the hilt of his sword so hard that it was red. embarrassed and scared Keven slowly backed away and sped to the tower.

back at the tower people spread the story and laughed for a great amount of time.

Ronen finely came and said "what in the world were you thinking."

"you told me to distract the other clans" Keven replied.

"I meant from the tower with the bow"

"how am I supposed to tell them apart"

"all the clans have a symbol and a color, ours is a cloud with three lightning bolts in a rose red color. it is on our armor our weapons and our towers"

"oh. what were they fighting for out there?"

"a new man."

"oh like when I came but why do all the men in the area fight for them?"

"because for every man we bring in we get a cart of weapons food and other things every month like the one you rode today. thanks to you they got the man too."

"sorry about that"

" at least it made a good story"

"How come you couldn't just grow more food and such"

"because this place cannot grow anything inside the force field, everything changes back to how it was in the first place. so the only things that can change are towers. you lose some arrows you'll have them back soon, they just re grow in your quiver but the stuff sent in the cargoes are protected so they don't disappear or reappear. the weapons are similar to that too. it's getting late Robert will show you too your quarters."

Keven's quarters weren't that bad and he felt most of his questions were answered, but he had no idea about what would come with tomorrow.

Tower: Book 1 ArcherWhere stories live. Discover now