chapter v

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"Good morning Keven. Come on, we've got a lot to do today."

Ronen was standing in the door way with a bright smile. Keven rolled over.

"why are you in such a good mood?" He groaned.

Ronen grinned. "Because today we are expecting goblins."

"Goblins?" Keven asked." that's something to be excited about?"

"No, not really. but it means I am about to get a poisoned blade."

"what?" Keven asked.

Ronen rolled his eyes. "Just get up, I'll tell you on our way to breakfast."

As they were making their way to breakfast Ronen began explaining.

"you see, when you vanquish a specific amount of a specific creature the defender awards you with a weapon, spell, or upgrades. today I just need to kill four goblins and I get a poison coting on my blade."

Keven nodded. "how many have you killed already?"

"Forty-one." His companion answered.

"How do you tell how many you need to kill?"

"By the inscription on your weapon," Ronen drew his sword to display a row of symbols etched into the blade." it can tell you, after you kill a creature, how many upgrades you have. "

I earned a spell that allows me to control how heavy I want my sword to be, a suit of armor that allows me to grow to a giant size temporarily, and several other upgrades."

"wow that is cool!" Keven exclaimed." I can barely wait."

"well you'd better, this food came from your monthly supply at the breakfast table."

They ate bread and soup. the food was good, but his mind was not on the food. He had questions.

"Are The goblins dangerous?"

a couple men laughed. "only if your bad at killing them."

after lunch Ronen took Keven outside to try his bow.

"ok, every enchanted weapon naturally has an enchantment. now let's find out wat yours is. shoot the target."

The target wasn't too far: about sixty yards away. Keven pulled his only arrow from his quiver, put it on his bow, and pulled the string back. He aimed, and fired. The arrow flew and hit near the edge of the target.

"nothing happened." Keven said in disappointment. he went to retrieve his arrow. when he put his arrow back in its quiver he found another arrow had miraculously appeared in the empty quiver. he grabbed the second arrow and examined it carefully. it had a tiny phoenix carved into the strange wood like shaft. He walked a few feet away and shot the arrow from his bow. as the arrow flew, it turned into a flaming phoenix with fire that consumed the target. when he retrieved the arrow its symbol was glowing red. Keven stared at the arrow in amazement, from behind him he heard Ronen say,

"so you got a phoenix arrow. looks like it came with slightly better precision. you hit the center of the target. interesting to know but it wouldn't have mattered, that target didn't stand a chance. The whole thing is almost burnt to ashes now there's a few things we need to cover before..."

a large horn blew from a tower some distance away. Ronen's smile faded.

"that's a big horn. it's not just goblins," Ronen informed him," get to the tower, grab a sword that you can handle, armor up and shoot from the tower windows."

Keven grabbed a sword and armor. people were running and preparing all around him. one man pulled a lever that made giant spikes come out of the tower, a few others opened large windows, behind them were catapults and large cross bows. some boards were lifted from the ground, revealing a giant trench around the tower. a few small armies were forming around nearby towers.

everyone from the different clans had different symbols that showed that each man in each army came from the same clan. all the symbols started to glow, soon each army looked like giant lights, then it all dimmed.

suddenly several of those 10 foot creatures attacked. The beasts fought hard, but the clans fought better. Keven was so caught up in the excitement he almost forgot to shoot. he pulled his bow string back aimed at the closest beast. As he released the bow string he realized he had forgotten to check which arrow he used. He soon found out. the arrow turned into a phoenix and hit the creatures. It stumbled around lighting everything on fire. a man running away yelled something about flaming orcs.

so that's what they are: Keven thought. orcs.

hundreds of goblins came from the trees in every direction. just then Ronen was struck with lightning and became a 30-foot-tall creature. Keven couldn't tell if it was man or beast because his helmet concealed his face. his sword became double edged and his voice became a growling rumble. the creatures tried climbing him. he grabbed stabbed and slashed, until he killed about half of them.

When he became tired he retreated to the front of the tower where he shrunk back to size and passed out. Keven thought Ronen was dead until two men dragged him off to the infirmary.

Keven realized he had shot almost ten times during this and had only just run out of arrows, deciding it would be explained later he went to find some arrows. When he had them in hand he spent the rest of the day shooting goblins from his perch. After a long battle they had finally stopped coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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