The 90th Hunger Games

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Chapter 2:

My heart pounded against my chest. My mother's face turned pale. She grabbed dad to hold into so she wouldn't fall. Im going into the arena. There are no other children of any victors here in 12 besides me and.... Sam. He can't die. I won't let him. Sam stood up and walked outside. He climbed the willow and sat there for hours. He was terrified. We all were. Dad threw a wine glass at the television and broke the screen. President Summer's face dropped off the screen. I tried to move, but my body resisted. Tears streamed down my mom's cheek while I watched them. Dad tried to comfort her but she lost her mind. I ran to the tree outside. The air used to smell like fresh flowers and now it smells of death. Birds were silent and the wind rustled quietly. Sam sat on a tree limb, his back laid against he tree trunk. "Sam..." I said. His red swelled up eyes looked down to me. "What... Do... You...want?" He replied while choking on his tears. My blonde braid knocked against my cheek. "You will live. Don't worry.." I said bravely. Sam put his head back into his arms. He signaled for me to leave now. My footsteps felt heavy against the grass. The old door creeped when it opened. My dad sat on the kitchen table thinking. "Where's mom?" I asked. Dad's blue eyes looked into mine. He had been crying as well. "Upstairs. Don't bother her now sweetie." My fathers voice was scratchy. Our house seemed very old fashioned. The mahogany table was accented with many details. Before I knew it, I was ambling down the long hall. I tie my shoes on and run to the meadow. I passed Marie, my friend, she knew about he reaping. Her mother, Mrs. Madge, held her inside their home. I glanced at her for a second than turned away. When I reach the meadow, I lay myself down on a grass pillow. My eyelids shut and I dirt to a deep sleep. A loud bell rang. I screamed as I awoke. The cornucopia stood in front of me. Tributes are ready kill to my sides. Sam was only 2 pedestals down from my left. I nodded reassuringly to him. He did not even notice me. The clock rang again and we were off. Sam was murdered right away. I cried and tried to run to save him, but my feet were glued to the pedestal. "Sam! Sam!" I yelled. Then a girl ran at me with knives. Just before the knife reached my neck, I came back to reality. My mother was at my side shaking me to awake. "Honey are you ok?" She asked. "We'll not really..." I replied. Her eyes still were over flowing with water. "It's ok mom. I heard of a girl in school, Katniss Everdeen. She even had the same first name as you. Anyway, she won her games. She was able to shoot like me. And she lived, I might be able to as well. Mom looked at me in the eyes. She bit her lip. "I am her. My name was Everdeen before I married your father. I have seen so many terrible horrific things, but this defiantly the worst of them all." She talked with a soft tone. I was in shock. How could so many things happen in one day? We talked in the meadow for hours. Birds sang and I even saw mom smile once. She grabbed a small pin from her coat pocket. It was beautiful. My eyes widened at it. "When you have this, nothing can hurt you. When ever you hold it i will be with you." Mom started to cry again. I room the pin out of her hand and placed it in my lap. It was a Mockingjay. Mother was the Mockingjay years ago. "Thank you mommy." I felt like a 3 year old saying this but I knew my chances of living in the arena were slim. You only live once. She hugged me tightly and we stood up. The sun melted hot in our skin. We walked back to home. Sam was inside reading a book while Emma was painting."I sat on the couch planing strategy on how to win, how to save me and Sam. I felt very sure of myself now. My eyes gleamed with determination. I will win. Nothing the capitol can do to be will hurt me. The days leading up to the games were some of the worst and scariest days of my life......

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2014 ⏰

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