Without You

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Life out of water
Something entirely different
Not knowing
Not understanding
The water being your resting place
Your calming sanctuary
But now it’s gone
Never again in your grasp
Drying away
Dispelling every safety
Every security
Leaving you nothing but disaster and strife
Anger and hardships
Confusion and …

Life out of water
Creating a new life from something old
Taking each droplet of yourself and remodeling
Adding new parts
And destroying the dead
Tearing open new fields to lay them down
Cutting out holes
To insert the seeds inside
Letting it slowly take over your body

Life out of water
Leaving you completely alone
Leaving you wanting it back
Leaving you crying
Because you know you’ll never be able to be back
Because the water won’t ever accept you
Because it abandoned you as soon as you took the first step
The tears it cried for you
And hatred it received with each drop
And all that’s left is

Life out of water

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