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A barrier blocking my path
Towering over me
Laughing at me
Knowing I can't do anything

I'm in it's shadow
Freezing from lack of hope
Cowering in my shame
And in my sorrows

Through tears, I see it
A single shine
A single
I crawl to it for warmth

I lie there indefinitely
Drifting in and out of sleep
Slowly getting strength
And the energy I need

My eyes open slowly
Blinded from the sudden brightness
Each ray calling to me
I slowly start to reach up

My fingers reach the first hole
Pulling at it
Raising myself up
Until I'm standing once again

I'm climbing
Using each hole to my advantage
Moving to fast, I slip and fall
It takes time to get up, but I never give up

I keep trying
Keep climbing
Until I'm at the top
And that's when I see him

He's always been there
Even when he left me with the barrier
Even though I can't see him
He's helping and caring for me

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