In the Middle of a Vampire Fight

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Frank's POV

"Get the fuck out of my house or god fucking help me I will tear you to fucking shreds you piece of utterly useless shit." I felt the angry words fly right out of my mouth and into the faces of the five teenagers as I moved in front of Gerard and Mikey.

"Step aside shorty." Harley said, glaring at me, I didn't budge. "I said MOVE!"

"Actually you said 'step aside'" commented Gerard from behind me, why did he have to say that?

"Listen, if you move, their death will be quick and your life might just be saved, along with the dude with the fro." Harley tried to convince us but I was taking that fuckery at all, "Bullshit. I'm not letting you do shit to my fucking boyfriend so go to hell you bastard."

Her glare intensified. "What? I do believe you heard me wrong, I want you to step aside, fag." I don't know what happened but I guess she said the wrong thing.

Gerard jumped on to the table and then lunged at her, teeth bared and fire in his eyes, "Don't you ever call him a fag. You son of a bitch." He landed on her and knocked the wind out of both of them as they hit the floor, Mikey and Ray were right behind him, tackling the other teens, I sighed and jumped into the raging fight, vampire and their boyfriends against teenagers.

"How dare you call me a bastard!"

"How fucking dare you call Frank a fag, you're a fucking homophobe and i hope to God you go to hell. I'll see you there,"

Ray was taking down two teens and I was taking down one same as Mikey, Gerard was getting Harley and was killing it, "Get him off me! You fucking vampire!" Gerard glared, "For what you did to me, and what I'll do to you, you'll get what everyone else gets you'll get a lifetime." He pulled a final punch, leaving her unconscious, the other teens immediately stopped fighting and looked at her and Gerard in utter horror, "You killed her!" Spoke the one I was holding in a head lock,

"She's dead!" Cried one of the two being held captive by Ray.

"We're next!" Mikey's teen said in despair, "No ones going to die, who are you guys?" Ray was holding one teen and sitting on the other.

"We'd rather die the tell you shit." Said my teen, "He's Barry, I'm Miles, she's Linda and she's Bagonia." Mikey's teen, Linda groaned, "Miles! What the fuck? Why'd you tell them?"

"I don't want to die!" Cried Bagonia, "Bagonia? What sort of name is that?" Questioned Gerard, "Not now Gee."

Ray was holding Bagonia and sitting on Miles, Mikey had Linda in some sort of headlock and I had Barry, he was strong but I had him.

"We're the Bleedings, named after Harley Bloodrun." Bagonia said, struggling to get out of Rays grip.

"She can't be a Bloodrun, they only have three children." Linda rolled her eyes, "Ah they have two daughters and two sons actually, James and Dean and Rory and Harley."

Harley started to shift under Gerard, "What the fuck? Get off me you vampire fag!" Gerard raised his hand but I grabbed it, "Gerard no! She's not worth it."

"Who are you!" Gerard raised his voice, "I'm Harley Bloodrun, and you're hurting me!" She spat at Gee he glared at her but didn't move.

"What do you want from me?" She asked, "I want to know why you tried to kill my brother and myself."

"Because you're vampires."

"But you family is vampires, aren't you a vamp... oh." Mikey and Gerard exchanged looks and sighed, "You're not a vampire, you're a squib."

"A what?"

"Sorry, Harry Potter reference." Gerard chuckled lightly before becoming serious again.

"You aren't a vampire, you were disowned when your family found out, weren't you?" She shook her head, "No, they kept me. But they didn't care about me. They loved my brothers and sister more than me. When I turned thirteen I ran away from home and started a gang that hunted vampires."


"Because theY LET ME GO!" She shouted, "In the streets of a small town where everybody knew everybody and nobody knew me." It was barely a whisper as she sank onto her knees.

I almost felt bad for her but I needed to remember that she tried to kill Gerard and Mikey.

"Okay, so why are you so against us?" Gerard glared at her, he obviously hadn't forgotten what she did.

"Listen, I don't want to answer any of your dumbass questions, I'll stop attacking you if you let us go now." She tried to reason with us, "I don't trust you. You're a Bloodrun which means your fucking good at lying and you're going to kill us. You are also in no way in a situation where you can make a deal."

Harley rolled her green eyes, "Uh have you forgotten that I am a Bloodrun? My father will be angry if you kill me." She said smugly, Gerard smiled, "Well then, let's reunite you with your family." Her eyes widened, "What? No! No, you don't want to do that!"

"And why is that?" I asked, she was looking around the room in desperation, she was looking for something to help her but she didn't have any excuse.

"Then it's settled! Lets go!"

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