b e g i n n i n g

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BTS' and your age altered:
Seokjin - 20
Yoongi - 19
Namjoon & J-Hope - 18
Taehyung & Jimin - 17
Jungkook & You - 16


Gun shots, sound of fists meeting flesh and yelps of pain errupted on the abandoned building where the Tourniquet gang resides. They were ambushed by the Bangtan gang minutes ago and it was obvious that the latter has the upper hand.

Namjoon kicked the lifeless body of the leader of the Tourniquets. The gang fight officially ended with the seven of them still standing. He spat on the ground beside the dead body before brushing his bloodied hands on the back of his jeans.

"That was quick." Hoseok commented as he stretches his arms and neck, a sinister smile plastered on his lips.

Yoongi who was crouching on a pile of dead bodies let out a bored sigh. His elbows were resting on top of his parted thighs, a gun dangling on his right hand.

"So what are we having for dinner?" Jungkook, the maknae, asked no one in paticular while walking out of the building following the oldest hyung, Seokjin.

"Let's have chicken tonight!" Taehyung shouted in delight as he follow his sworn brothers. Jimin, his best friend, just draped his arm over him with an approving smile on his face.

Gang fights were as normal to them as breathing. Their gang was pretty known in the district and also on a couple of near ones. They have a lot of people under them but they don't really ask for their help unless there's a huge brawl among the main gangs.

Violence is their way out of everything. May it be small fights to huge, battle against others or even within themselves.

"No chicken today, Taehyung. We're out of money." Seokjin reminded earning a groan of protests from the others. "We still have cereals though."

"I'd rather die in hunger than eat that shit again. That's all we had this entire week. Aren't you sick of it?" Jungkook argued while cleaning his gun with the hem of his shirt.

"It's not like we have a choice." Namjoon said, his arm draping over Seokjin.

The maknaes kept mumbling their complains while the hyungs ignore them.


They fucking need it.

They've thought of robbing people but it's (unbelievably) not really their style to bother innocent ones. They just mess around with people in the underground. But they're slowly starting to consider it as their pockets are literally empty along with their fridge.

Survival. They need to harm people so they can survive.

They're out of the building now and walking down the isolated street. There are a few cars passing by but other than that, the street was eerily quiet.

Until cackling from a chicken broke the silence.

All their attention went towards you, a girl following an annoyingly loud chicken, a huge backpack on your back and a lollipop stuffed inside your mouth.

You look lost. Or perhaps, you really are.

Taehyung and Jimin eyed you as they both find you quite cute. They were about to pass by you, a dirty remark was lying on the tip of Jimin's tongue, when you suddenly cross the street without looking to your left and right.

A hint of panic enveloped them when a truck beeped loudly. Yoongi's hand was quick to grab your bag though and you were pulled towards them just in time before the truck hit you.

"Are you fucking stupid?!" Yoongi yelled while your eyes were wide in shock.

But it quickly vanished when you remembered the reason why you were crossing the street.

You pulled the lollipop out of your mouth and yelled, "Pong!" Your eyes frantically searched for the chicken across the road and a feeling of relief consumed you when you saw your friend flapping its wings while cackling loudly.

"Hey stupid! Are you fucking listening?!" Yoongi snapped you out of your thoughts and you lightly backed away in fear.

"S-Sorry." You apologized and kept your head down. "I was following my friend. I didn't know—"

"That annoying chicken is your friend?" Taehyung asked, his laughter about to burst out but he held it in.

"Yeah. His name is Pong!" You giddily answered while signaling to your chicken friend to come to you.

"Well, you almost got killed because of that friend of yours." Namjoon stated while shaking his head. "Why hang around a chicken? Are you that bored? Just do your homework, kid."

You scoffed and scowled at him.

"I am not a kid!"

"Your actions state otherwise, though." Yoongi rolled his eyes before turning his back from you to walk away.

You pouted at them for being so mean and crouched down to craddle your chicken.

'What a weird ass girl.' Jimin thought before snorting.

"Why do we even bother with this kid?" Jungkook interrupted. "Let's just go home, hyungs."

"I said I'm not a kid! I'm sixteen!" You argued, stomping your feet.

"Yeah, yeah." Hoseok said before trailing behind Yoongi.

"Go back home, kid. Unless you want to die on the streets." Namjoon dismissed you and walked away with the others.

'Meanies.' You thought before glaring at their retreating back and sucking on your lollipop. 'Home? What home? If only I have one.'

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