g u n s h o t

21.6K 978 721


"Eight, nine, ten." Yoongi sighed lazily before turning on his shoes and gazing boredly at the empty space in front of him. "Damn Hoseok and his stupid ideas."

You covered your mouth from above the tree you're hiding to stop yourself from making any noise. It's the sixth game already of hide and seek and you've never been caught even once, all thanks to your climbing skills.

Leaning against the body of the tree, your eyes unconciously drifted downwards and you realized how high your position was. Then they met Namjoon's who was looking at you in horror.

"Yaah, get down here!" He mouthed in agitation. You waved your hands to signal him that you'll be fine.

Before he could mouth another word, you saw Yoongi coming to your direction and you quickly crouched down as low as possible.

Minutes later, all the boys were found leaving you yet again. Yoongi yelled his words of defeat making you smile triumphantly.

You made your way down the tree, making sure you do it carefully.

You were just halfway done when a gunshot resonates in the quiet forest, the birds near you flew away when the bullet passed on your side, scratching your right cheek, before it hit the body of tree.

"Fuck! (Name)?!" It was Jungkook, desperately roaming his eyes to search for your form.

The rest of Bangtan were frozen on their feet, their hearts hammering wildly against their chest.

Lips trembling, your eyes were as wide as saucers as you stare at the bullet hole. Blood dripped from the cut on your cheek. You quickly climbed down, rather clumsily, but you didn't care. You need to get away from there.


Bangtan was now in a state of panic when they didn't hear a response from you. They were about to go their individual way to find you but Namjoon, who remembered where you hid, led them to your location.

You were panting when you met them midway. Your eyes were shaky but you managed to talk nevertheless.

"H-Here." You huffed, your ankle in pain as it was slightly twisted when you jumped almost five feet above back at the tree due to your nervousness. "I'm here."

"Shit." Yoongi cursed at the sight of your wound. "Come here quickly! Let's get the fuck out of here."

Bangtan covered you from all sides as you run away, forgetting the blanket and foods you brought. They were regretting taking the Ripper's threat lightly. It almost costed your life.

"I... I was climbing down from the tree." You tried explaining while you limp on your feet. "And then I heard a gun shot. The.. The bullet almost hit me. I.."

"We'll talk about it later, (Name). For now, let's get out of here as soon as we can." Namjoon tried saying despite being out of breath. "It's not safe—"

He was cut by another sound of gun shot.

You yelped in shock as you fell to the ground, your steps were uneasy due to your ankle. Bangtan quickly hovered over you to protect you while glancing at each other to find if anybody's hurt.

"Oh fuck." Jungkook grunted clutching his bloodied arm. "Motherfuck."

He was the one beside you, the bullet hit him instead of you.

Your eyes wavered and you wanted to pass out right then. This can't be happening.

"Shit, shit, shit. Jungkook, can you—"

"Yes, hyung. I can manage. Let's hurry. It's not safe for (Name) here. Quick!"

You wanted to slap him for thinking of you first when he's the one who's hurt. You felt yourself being scooped. Letting your arms draped over his shoulder, your glassy eyes filled with tears met Jimin's.

"It's okay, (Name). We'll be home soon. Close your eyes."

You obliged to his instruction, shutting your eyelids tight and burrying your face to his chest.

Is this Jiho's doing? How could he go this far? This is my fault. If I complied to his request and just go home, maybe none of this would happen.

Another gun shot.

You yelped when you felt a stinging pain in your shoulder. The bullet managed to miss Jimin's shoulder and hit yours instead.

"Fuck!" Jimin spat. "Cover her more. Goddammit!"

You clutched onto him tighter, the pain in your shoulder is too much for you. But you forced yourself not to cry. You already feel like you're such a burden.

"(Name), does it hurt too much?" It was Taehyung's voice.

Oh how badly you wanted to answer 'yes' to that.

"I.. I'm okay."

"We're almost home. Endure it a bit more, okay?"

Another gun shot and a grunt from one of them. Hoseok, you recognized.

You couldn't hold it in anymore. You let out a sob and let your tears fall to Jimin's shirt. It's all too much for you to handle.

How could Jiho do this? What if he really kills Bangtan? No, that can't happen.

"I'm scared." You unintentionally voiced your thoughts.

"We're here, (Name). Don't be."

You guys willing to get hurt for me is what scares me more.


Bangtan stared at your sleeping form. A band aid adorning your flushed right cheek, a bandage covering the bullet wound on your shoulder. They don't think they can handle seeing you suffer the pain from it when you wake up.

Remembering the first time they had it, it hurt like a bitch. But now, they were used to it. Infact Jungkook and Hoseok looked already fine, like they didn't just got shot 30 minutes ago.

You let out a soft whimper while you sleep, your brows furrowed in pain. Bangtan's heart ached.

"It's that fucktard, the Rippper's doing, isn't it?" Yoongi spat with venom in his voice. "I'll fucking kill him when I lay my eyes on him, I swear."

They don't understand what the Torniquet's leader really wants. It's obviously for revenge for their fallen people but why are they targetting you? Why couldn't they just kill Bangtan directly? They feel like whoever was behind the Ripper, wants so bad for them to suffer the pain of losing someone. And he definitely knows what is up, targetting you, who was supposed to be just a hostage to them, a source of money, but turned out to be their greatest weakness.

We're doomed. Yoongi thought with a bitter chuckle. I fucking called it. This girl is gonna ruin us. But I'm not regretting anything. All these shits are worth it because we met her. But (Name) getting hurt because of this is a different story.

When Namjoon felt a vibration from his pocket, he immediately fished his phone out, already angered at the unseen message.

Oops, I scared you again, didn't I? (:
- The Ripper

"That fucker!"

Before they could fully vent out their anger, there's another message.

P.S. It definitely won't be the last time this would happen. Want to end it? Let her go and send her home. If you don't, I'll take her away from you on my own preferred way. And I promise you, you wouldn't like it.
Peaces x

"What is it with assholes wanting (Name) to go home?!" Jimin snapped before all of them met gazes.

Guess, they need to figure it out their own way. Even if it means to confront you about what you're so scared of the place you're running away from.

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