It All Begins Until It Ends: Anna

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Three years ago, my village began its decent into Hell. The village leaders decided to side with the Empire in hopes of increasing trade and growth of the village. It began to get larger as more and more of the Empire's troops and people settled in. One day the Empire sent an important General to the area in hopes of starting a campaign against the Revolutionary Army. It all began to work slowly but surely. With an outpost beyond the walls of the city, the Empire could keep a close eye on the movements from the Revolutionary Army and their assassin's: Night Raid. We lived in peace for some time loving the fact that the village became a hub of trade and an important piece in the Empire's plan to calm the coming storm.

But as all things, that peace had to come to an end. Night Raid attacked with all its members in an attempt to kill my siblings and my adoptive parents. They were the village leaders. We were sent to hide with four guards around us. Around us, a massive battle erupted as the Empire's reinforcements arrived to defeat the Night Raid members. It was all a ploy to get Night Raid to attack the village. We were bait and nothing else to the Empire. Our pride shattered, the village fought back, but to no success. Night Raid had killed their targets, our parents and the General. Our family became shattered. It was just us three left with these Empire Guards. After seeing the horror and the true ways of the Empire and Night Raid, we decided to act.

So we killed them.... The guards didn't know what hit them. The usual quiet forest became a bloodbath as we brutally killed the guards with their own weapons. Then we fled to the mountains where we came into contact with powerful people with renown in making powerful weapons. They weren't the Teigu that the Empire or Night Raid had, but they would suit us just as well as any weapon. For two years, we mastered the weapons and ourselves. With our training with the people completed, we set out on our journey; our journey for revenge.

****Present day****

I stare into the crystal clear water of the lake. My short black hair and green eyes are all I see. But those eyes are those of a child who's seen things. Innocent people were brutally killed and nothing can change that, even if we get our revenge, it won't change the fact that our friends and family are dead; long gone.

"Anna!" I hear Selan behind me, "You gonna sit and stare at your reflection all day or you gonna come eat. Ren just came back from hunting and got us a nice deer!"

"Ya be there in a minute." I say quietly and get up. I look back at my brothers. Ren is usually quiet and is dressed in his usual hunting gear or at least he calls it hunting gear. All it is, is a purple kimono. His long black and purple hair is blowing in the soft breeze. He looks up at me with his green eyes as I get to the table, "Looks good!" I smile and take a bite of the meat. Selan is an oddball; has been ever since we became siblings. He's the wild one of our band; also a tank. He can take a lot of damage and still keep on fighting. We call him King for a reason. He keeps us together and keeps us all from fighting each other. We're all after the same thing: Revenge. Today, he's half dressed in his armor with a white top on. Whenever we go into the nearby village for supplies, he always gets the attention. For some reason girls just flock to him. I don't see it, but I should. His shaggy blonde hair and red eyes seem to attract a lot of attention. We do odd jobs for the village and they repay us with what we need, whether it be food, or even new clothes. I myself just got a new outfit that suits me better than what I used to wear. Our last visit, I found the cutest looking black suit! It has a purple hue to it that goes with Ren's kimono and I can move so freely in it. I can't wait to get my hands on some Imperials or Night Raid!

I stab my fork through the plate shattering it and sending wood chips into the air.

"Thinking about that again?" Selan puts his hand on my shoulder. When the attack happened, I was the youngest at ten. Ren's fifteen now I believe and Selan is seventeen, "Look don't worry about it. We'll get them all back for what they did. We just have to be patient."

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