Hey there fellow reader, I'm Leia Amor and as you can tell from the title I'm a fangirl of not just one fandom but multiple fandoms. In this book, you'll discover how a fangirl like m...
10 minutes is all it takes to get to my house from school. 10 minutes is also the amount of time I take to make my bed but I still don't do it in the morning. Once Noelle parked her car, we went inside and was overwhelmed right away by the smell of Carrot's legendary beef stew.
"FOOD!" both of us shouted, then raced to the kitchen. My house isn't that big. It has enough rooms for all our necessities: living room, dining room, kitchen (the most important place of the house), 3 bedrooms, each with their own bathroom, store room, the entertainment room, it's where the TV and playstations are. When you first come in, there'll be a hallway filled with pictures leading to all the rooms on the ground floor and the stairs at the end of the hallway. First comes the living room on the left side. The living room has a brown sofa in the center of the living room part of the room with floral designed and red and white striped pillows. There's a wooden table in front of the sofa with random stuff. Behind the sofa is the where heaven lies, the kitchen. And stood at the counter is my guardian angel, Carrot, stirring the pot which I know is filled with beef stew.
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'What have I done to deserve such an amazing meal,' I said to myself in the back of my mind as me and Noelle reached the kitchen and almost tripped over each other. But, thankfully, we didn't. Phew.
"Okay, both of you need to chill," Carrot demanded when he saw us come into the kitchen, "You girls could've seriously hurt yourself running in like that,"
"Sorry, but we smelt your brilliant beef stew and we just had to eat it as soon as we could," Noelle responded sorrily,
"Exactly, you only make your beef stew like once every two months or something and with me and Noelle, a week worth of stew will be gone in two days," I added truthfully,
"Alright I get it, it's really good," rolling his eyes, he started to plate the stew for the 3 of us. First he put the rice on the right half of the plate then the stew on the left side of the plate. Yes, we eat it with rice, but it so freaking good! Shortly, me and Noelle sat down with our spoon and forks waiting patiently but excitedly. Food is a need for all humans. Except that me and Noelle take the need for food to a whole other level. As Carrot place the plates in front of us, we take a moment to inhale the mouth-watering smell and appreciating it first, then before you know it, we eat the meal straight from heaven as if we haven't ate in weeks. Which is kinda true since we didn't eat anything at school because the food there is flipping disgusting. One time when I bought pasta, it had this doughy flour piece in the sauce. Blergh. Moral of the story is to not eat cafeteria food.
"There's a lot more in the pot if you want seconds but try not to eat it all at once please," Carrot laughed,
"Yes, sir!" we shouted at the same time while doing the salute from Attack On Titan. We like to make references to anime while doing our daily activities, 'cause why not? Overall, me and Noelle had 2 plates each as we agreed that we would eat it for dinner tonight. After we're done, we went to my room on the second floor doing what fangirls do... Fangirling.