Chapter 3 Tragedies

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(Ingrid's POV)

It's been two weeks since I moved in.  Scott and I started to talk more and more everyday.  And I've learned so much about him.

He got four best friends which names are Kirstie, Mitch, Avi and Kevin.  Together they are in an acapella group called Pentatonix.  Apparently, they are famous.  I've seen videos on youtube of them performing.  They are freaking amazing.  Scott wanted me to meet them and practice my speaking, but only if I'm ready.

(Scott's POV)

Ingrid started to open up to me.  She's almost completely normal around me.  But every time I ask about her childhood or why she moved here,  she would just make an excuse and leave.  I wish she could trust me.  I will never hurt her.  Ever.

The rest of the gang wanted to pay a visit.  They wanted to meet Ingrid.  But I  think she's not ready though.

(Ingrid's POV)

I was cooking in the kitchen when Scott walked in. 

"Wooooo, I smell something nice! What are we having today?"  He asked.

"Mac and cheese.  Here, try this.  Is the seasoning alright?" I shoved a spoon full of mac and cheese into his mouth.

"Oh, it's perfect!! You know who would love this?" 


"Kirstie would.  It's her favorite food.  Speaking of whom...."

"I know where you're going.  I really don't think I could meet anyone new yet.  I'm sorry, Scott."  I said.

"It's alright.  Just tell me whenever you're ready." He smiled at me.

After dinner, we sat on the couch and chat. We do this everyday in order to make me a better speaker.  I really did improve a lot.  

"Scott....I need to tell you something." My eyes drift away for a while but back to him quickly.

"Yeah?" He scooched over a little bit.

"I lied.  I know why I've got this problem." I took a deep breath and started explaining.

"When I was 11, my dad cheated with another woman he knew from work.  A married woman.  Her husband found out about this and tracked my dad down.  He broke into our house."


"Please, I was wrong!!!Don't take my girl.  I'm sorry!!" My dad cried.  He was tied to a chair.

"You say one more word, I'll break your precious little girl's neck."A strong, tall guy grabbed me and tied me to a chair as well.  

Mom hid herself in her bedroom.  But it didn't work, he found her and dragged her to the place in front of my dad and me.  What is he gonna do...?

"Mommy...."  I tried to stay strong (like Demi does) but a tear still rolled down my face.

He started to rape my mom furiously, in front of us.  And I can't do anything to stop him.

After he finished with Mommy.  He threw her to the side.  And started to walk towards me.

"Your turn, girl." He said.

My dad couldn't bear it anymore.  He used all the strength he had left and broke the rope that tied him.

"You son of a -" My dad shouted.

BANG!                                             He's gone.

--------------------------------End of flashback.---------------------------------

"After that, the police came. When the police asked for my name, I just...couldn't spill a word. From then on,  all I see in human's eyes was- 

fear, from my mom,

brutality, from the bad guy,

death, from my dad."  I looked down on my lap.

"I can't imagine what you been through." Scott said softly.

"There's more to this....You see, a few weeks after the tragedy happened, my mom found out that she was pregnant.  She couldn't believe it.  So she jumped out of our window. She left me.  I was only 11 at that time.  I couldn't live alone at that young age.  I was sent to my aunt.  But two weeks ago.....our house caught fire.  Someone set the fire on purpose.  She's gone.  And no I did not threw some of my stuff when I moved.  They were all burnt into ashes.  I'm sorry I lied, Scott."

Scott didn't say anything.  He pulled me into a tight hug.

"Hey," I pulled away from his warm hug.

"I think I'm ready to meet your friends."

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