Chapter 9 The fight

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(Ingrid's POV)

Something flashed back to my mind.

An image of my dad being shot, blood flooding out of his head.  The light in his eyes slowly fade away, and then he's gone, forever.

I can't let that happen to Kirstie.  Nor anyone at this place.  I can't bear to see anyone that I care about being taken away from me.  Again.

"Bye, Kirstin Taylor Maldonado." Joe smirked. Pulling out the gun from his back.

"Noooooo!" I shouted.  I quickly tackled Kirstie to the ground.  

It was too late.....

....for Joe to pull the trigger.  He missed his aim.  The bullet went straight into the bathroom.

"Everyone get down!!"  I commanded.

(Scott's POV)

I was shocked and petrified.  I got down as Ingrid said.

"Get Kirstie out of here." Ingrid yelled.

Kevin and Avi took Kirstie's arms and dragged her far away from where Ingrid and Joe was.

"NOOO!!  Let me go!!" She struggled for a while, but Avi and Kevin are too strong.  She gave in eventually.

"If you touch her, I swear to god...." Kirstie cried and yelled at Joe.

Mitch took out his phone and called the police.  I decided to help Ingrid.  I don't care if I'll lose my life or what.  I need to get her away from Joe.  Ingrid's too small and weak, she will get hurt easily.

"Scott!! Stay away!!" Ingrid shouted.

She grabbed Joe's gun-holding hand and pressed it downwards, at the same time, she punched Joe's face with her remaining hand. Causing him to release his hand and dropped his gun on the ground.

Man, I was wrong about her.

She gave Joe a roundhouse kick.  He had no time to fight back at all, he instantly fell to the floor.

Her angry little face, it's adorable.  And how she kicked her leg super high, gosh, that turns me on. Wait, what am I thinking...?

"Take that gun away!" Ingrid said as she slid the gun towards me with her foot.

I snapped out of it and do what I'm told.

He's unconscious. Ingrid turned him facing down and sat on him, folding his arms behind him.

"Oh, I have handcuffs..." Kirstie said.  Kevin and Avi looked at each other and let her go and get them.

I don't know Kirstie rolls that way.....

Kirstie got back from her bedroom and hand the handcuffs to Ingrid.

"Why on Earth would you own these?" Ingrid asked innocently while cuffing up Joe.

"I...uh.." Kirstie stuttered.

"Probably for the occasion like this." I glared at Kirstie.

"That's brilliant.  I should get one."  Ingrid said.  Everyone giggled.

"Thank you." Kirstie put her hand on my shoulder and mouthed.  

And then the police came.  They arrested Joe and they wanted us to come down to the office to be questioned.  Ingrid decided to go home since she doesn't know Joe as well as we do.

A few hours later, I got home.  It's kind of late so I went and checked on Ingrid and see if she's asleep yet.

Standing in front of her bedroom, I saw her sitting up on her bed reading.

"Can I come in?" I questioned.

"Yeah."  She closed her book and said.

I sat on her bed.

"They wanted me to say thank you."  I slowly held her hand.

"What you did today, it's so brave....and oh, Kirstie want you to have this.. " I took something out of my pocket and handed to her.

"What's this?" She tilted her head and asked.

"It's the bullet that was meant to kill Kirstie." I explained.

"You've conquered your fear. Ingrid.  You won.  And I'm so proud of you.'re so going to that bar!!" 

"Yay!!" She hugged me tight.

"So what were you thinking when I was fighting him?" She asked while pulling away.

I was thinking how cute you are....I can't say that!!

"I..uh..My whole brain just went blank.  I don't know what to think of."  I looked down.

"Hey, you started a new book?"  I asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, I finished the last one yesterday." I answered.

"So, what's the last one about?"

"Well, it's called The Book Thief.  And it's about a little girl...."

"Wait."  I lay down beside her comfortably. 

"Okay, you may go on."  I turn my body facing her.

"There once was a little girl named Liesel......" She started telling the story.

With her warm voice, I slowly drift to sleep.

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