More Senpai Red

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Me: Everyone! We have to eat Spicy Ramen noodles and scream One punch man

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Me: Everyone! We have to eat Spicy Ramen noodles and scream One punch man.

Hoshi: Too bad... Akuma and Redd both love spicy ramen, but they are in time out...

Ame: Time out?

Yuki: We put them in time out.

Me: You got Redd in time out?? I understand Akuma, but Redd?

Yuki: I have a trick. *flips hair*

Ame: ... Oh god I don't know If I can do this.

Yuki: I hate spicy stuff!!! I cant even handle salsa!

Hoshi: *grabs a bowl of spicy ramen*

Ame: *grabs a bowl of spicy ramen*

Me: *grabs a bowl of spicy ramen*

Yuki: *grabs a bowl of cereal*

Hoshi: *eats spicy ramen slowly* Ew...
One Punch Man...!!

Ame: *attempts to eat spicy ramen swiftly* *cough cough* AHHH I NEED WATER. *drinks water* *fans mouth*
Wom punth man!!

Me: *eats spicy ramen noodles really quickly and drinks broth* ONE PUNCH MAN!!! WOOO!! I love spicy ramen ^^

Yuki: *eats a spoonful of cereal* One Punch-


Yuki: *runs to get ramen and eats a noodle* one punch man... *gags*

Me: Ok, Akuma!!

Akuma: *gets some spicy ramen and swallows all of it* UNO PUNCHO MANO

Redd: Sorry, I cant.

Me: He really cant. He'll die if he does.

Thats it! Leave questions and dares in the comments!!

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