The Trouble With Us

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After the meeting with Thalia, Link sat, troubled for some time. Once he contemplated it long enough, he decided he would head back to the domain. He had almost lost all hope if it were not for Thalia, but still, he was weary of her advice. What if she had a motive behind all of this? Link quickly pushed that motion out of his head. She was right, if he really wanted Sidon, he would not run off and hide from the problems. Besides, it would be wrong of him to miss this opportunity after crying over him so.

The only issue was how. Link felt like he had already worn Sidon out the way he has been trying, but is that was Thalia was saying he needed to keep doing? 

Ugh. Link shook his head. He was back on the domain's bridge and each step became harder and harder. Thankfully Sidon was not outside doing his daily talks, so it made it easier on Link. Seeing him would have sent him reeling. 

He made way back to his old room he stayed at before, his head hung low and his backpack scraped the ground behind him. He felt defeated, but this was not the end, he figured. Thalia was his saving grace. What if he had left and never looked back?

What if he really could sway Sidon?


Sidon was sitting in his bedroom with his fiancee who was pacing the floor back and forth, a worried look on her face. She did look pretty, Sidon thought. 

"I have just been doing my daily duties!" 

But her personality was not so pretty. Sidon sighed and looked at her with a set jaw. "Daily duties usually means during the day, not at night or early dawn. Even I don't wake up until 8 or 9 half the time. I'm just warning you, the guards are getting suspicious of your unaccounted for behavior."

She stopped pacing and stared at him with pursed lips. "Well make them un-suspicious, do something, future king." She resided back to her pacing with more defiance.

"I can't just do something like that, Jasmine." He stood and moved to make her stop pacing. His arm came around her side but she pushed him away. "Oh stop, Sidon. Don't lie like that." He sighed and dropped his arms as he watched her move to and fro. Why was she not pining over him like Link did? They have to get married!

"Why won't you let me touch you? Hold you? Love you?" She stopped again and retorted, "Kings and Queens don't have that sort of luxury, Sidon."

Sidon scoffed, half smiling at her ignorance. "No, I believe they do, if you tried, at least. But even that I do not see. Instead you sit here and pace with a look of worry on your face, undermining my authority! Now what are those silly duties you attend to at the wee hours of the day?" 

She glared at him. "Oh, undermining your authority! Is that what this is! Just some stunt to feel like you're higher up than me!" 

"No, when it comes to our relationship you need to take your place appropriately or leave. I don't care at this point." Sidon was officially fed up with her attitude, to say the least. This was starting to become extremely apparent to her, "But we have to get married," she hissed through her teeth.

"Are you still choosing the life of marrying a King because it is the good for your domain? Is there really no love left inside? Has the love you had for me burned off like a match gone stale?" Sidon was reaching for anything, really. He begged she would say otherwise, give him a reason to deny Link fully, but she was making that awfully difficult at this point. Jasmine sighed and shook her head, moving to sit on the bed behind him. He stood over her, the silence consuming them.

"Fine, if you're going to play that way. We will still get married as planned, and it will be only for our Domain. You can keep going off and being with your affairs, I'm sick of fighting you every night." Sidon's voice was final, and before Jasmine could protest, he stormed out of the room. The guard and attendant stood there near the door, awkwardly silent as he left. 

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