Release Your Problems

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link demands sidon of something... theres a /bit/ of fluff but its still really sad im so sorry... SOON/// 


"Link! Wake! Up!" Thalia was shaking Link vigorously. It was like trying to wake a rock; he was impossible to wake up. Nevertheless, she didn't want to go to the Prince without him. "We have to visit Sidon!" 

He stirred, turning to face her as he rubbed his eyes. "What-"

"He is getting married! Today! Get up before they release him! This may be your last chance."

Link sat up, still groggily, but ultimately happy he would get to see Sidon again. He would not tell Thalia, but he was up crying his heart out last night until he finally fell asleep to the all to well known Mipha. 

"Get dressed and meet me in the hallway."

Before Link could say anything, Thalia disappeared, shutting the door behind her. He sighed and swung his feet over the side of the bed and sat there for a moment, staring at the ground. He seemed to be in deep thought as he clenched the side of the bed and his jaw, his hair falling over his eyes. 

But then he stopped. His grip loosened and his face relaxed. No, he would not live like this. He would not settle for less. 

He vowed that no matter what Jasmine, Mipha, or that discriminatory King had to say, he would have Sidon.


Moments later he greeted Thalia outside and they began silently walking to the dungeon. Thalia's overall mood had changed from when she first woke him up. He looked over at her.

"Why are you so quiet now?"

She looked up, surprised. "Oh, huh, no... I'm fine." She smiled. "I was just thinking about this day and all... And Link, I was thinking something."

Link raised an eyebrow at her. "You should stop the wedding."


"While it's happening, of course." She was staring at him with sudden seriousness. "You and I both know they can't get married. Please."

Link looked forward, thinking about this. He was going to ask why she was so adamant about that, but they had arrived at the cells already. The guards let them pass one more time.


Link saw Sidon with his arms raised, his head looking down at the ground. Immediately when he heard footsteps his eyes shot up to meet the hylian's. 


Link broke into a run and collapsed against Sidon, hugging his waist tightly. Sidon always was so much taller than Link, and it made him laugh, so much that he started to cry against Sidon. 

Sidon stood there, unable to do what he desired most right then; he wanted- no, he needed Link in his arms, to be able to feel his heartbeat, his tears. Despite all the events going to happen today, all Sidon could care about was this small man that was clinging onto him so tightly.

Link pulled back and looked at him. "I'm so sorry about all of this," His eyes were wet. "I don't want you to get married. Not to her." His eyes flitted to his chains, his hands, and he noticed there was a ring placed on his finger. Sidon saw where his eyes went and sighed.

Link quietly reached up and touched the ring, before moving to slip it off his finger. Sidon's hand instantly recoiled into a fist. "They gave it to me early this morning. It's the engagement ring. For show." Oh, Sidon had to hold him, and soon. He watched the light die out of Link's eyes as he held the ring. 

He clenched the ring in his fist and he became angry. Yelling, he threw it onto the ground, tears still threatening to pour out of his eyes. It bounced off into a corner, and Thalia ran to grab it. 

"Link, please don't be angry..." Sidon was so restrained right now. He was watching Link with such worry. There was no telling what that boy was capable of. 

"Please, Link, how can I make you feel better?" Sidon was at his mercy at this point. The guards would be coming any second now to prep him for the Wedding. 

Link stared at the ground for a minute before snapping his head back up to look at Sidon fervently. Sidon's mouth opened slightly, surprised by the determination in his eyes.

"Sidon, whatever happens today..." he was crying again, although it wasn't a sad cry, it was a cry of frustration. He did not want to go another day with this constant push and pull between them. It was now or never.

"Whatever happens today, you promise me you will choose me first!"

Sidon stared at him, mouth falling from his request, but it quickly shut into a small smile. "Oh, Link..."

"Promise me!" He continued to stare at the Prince with integrity unwavering. 

Sidon leaned down, just barely pulling at his chains, but it was enough to give Link a kiss on the forehead. "You're just as naive when I first met you, pounding on my chest like a toddler. Of course I promise." Sidon's smile spread.



i just didnt want to make a huge chapter to catch up to the happiness.. that would be dumb, right ,,,, HAH i love being an author. also thanks for all the support. it means a lot ;o; <333

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