Chapter One- I'll start growing a vagina

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Chapter One- I'll start growing a vagina

Aviana POV

Parents are weird creatures. They're old and wise and very bossy. They knock sense into you sometimes and sometimes their plain old nasty. But the fact that we all have or have had parents that have been part of our life, is pretty intriguing. I mean, they made me, in ways I'm not in the mood to talk about right now.

They tell you things that aren't necessarily true. They ask you how your day has been when you come home from school, when the obvious answer is no, cause who the fudge likes school?

They tell you important things, like how to wear your underwear properly. Don't ask. I realised I was wearing my underwear the wrong way round when I was 12. When I found out it was like my whole life made sense.

And they tell you useless things like, if you eat chocolate you'll get ugly pimples all over your face. I had stopped eating chocolate from that day onwards and let me tell you that those 2 years I ditched chocolate were the worst 2 years of my life. If I have a life.

And that is the reason I was currently sitting on the dining room holding an unopened tampon in my hand, examining it very closely.

"Whassup?" My older brother, Leon, said as he entered the dining room, throwing his bag over the counter.

"Mom and dad lied to me," I said, bluntly, narrowing my eyes at the tampon I was holding.

"I know, once they told me if I talk to girls to much, I'll start growing a vagina," Leon said, taking a seat next to me. I gave him a bewildered look as he shrugged it off. I rolled my eyes and diverted my focus onto the tampon again.

"What did mom and dad lie to you about?" Leon said, stuffing his face with some stale bread that I left on the counter for my bacteria growth experiment.

"Hey! That was for my experi-" I started before Leon made a face and threw up all over the floor. I cringed and shuffled away.

"What was that!?" Leon exclaimed.

"My bacteria growth homework," I said, plainly as Leon's eyes grew wide.

"Anyway, mom and dad lied to me," I said, getting back to the topic.

"What did they say?" Leon asked, curiously.

"That I can't use a tampon until I have a baby!" I exclaimed.

"Oh. So that packet you're holding is a... Tampon?" Leon asked, awkwardly. I gave him a weird look and started looking back at the tampon.

"Yes. And I found out that a tampon doesn't make your lose your virginity," I said, blankly.


"I thought stuffing some cotton up your vagina is just plain weird,"


"I mean, a girl's Gotta do what a girl's Gotta do, right?"

"Sure...." My brother trailed off. "I think you're forgetting that I'm a guy and I cannot help you with you girl talk," Leon said, putting air quotes over 'girl talk'.

"Oh really? I thought you forgot that you were a girl,"

"I have a penis and you don't," Leon said, bluntly.

"Yeah, and I have a brain and you don't," I replied.

Leon narrowed his eyes at me as I smirked and got up.

"See ya tomorrow!" I called, leaving the dumb bastard alone in the dining room with just puke and an unopened tampon for company. I shrugged. They'll get along just fine. I hope.

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