Chapter Two

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Kurt's Point of View

Out loud I’d never admit it but he might even be better than me and I wouldn’t say that about anyone, I don’t even accept that Rachel is a better singer than me, the only reason she gets all the solos is because she is a girl so it is more socially acceptable for her to sing girls songs. As if I were to sing one it would be ‘too controversial’. Or if there was a male solo it would automatically be given to Finn because ‘my voice isn’t everyone’s cup of tea’ as Schuester put it. I mean I guess I could kind of accept that but Schue refuses to see any other talent in the glee club apart from Finn and Rachel. I guess I wouldn’t even mind if I didn’t get the solo maybe if someone like Puck got it or something just someone other than them. As I thought about I just got more and more angry but then I focussed on Blaine again.

Just the way he looked at me, his smile. It was if angels themselves had created him. I mean he definitely had the voice of an angel. The way his eyes shone from the sunlight bursting from the windows. His eyes never really left me. Surely it has to mean something, unless he was just playing around? Well whatever his aim was he managed to make me beam like a mad man and forget all the anger that was building up inside of me, it was something I haven’t done for a long time. I couldn’t remember smiling this much for a while; I hadn’t been given a reason to. But he also managed to make me go weak at the knees again something I wouldn’t admit out loud but he truly was amazing in every single way.


I guess he was just trying to mess with me after all since my cover was instantly blown after the song, they realised I was spying from the moment I walked in Dalton Academy. I guess they just wanted to give the competition a taste of what was to come at sectionals. They are definitely one to watch. They definitely have talent and could easily beat us with the right song, especially with Blaine singing lead. I couldn’t let them know that though. I expected that I would have to pay somehow for spying, hopefully nothing too painful because I still had to face Karofsky who would definitely take care of that for them.

After I had been discovered I went to go get changed out of my disguise only to bump into Blaine instantly in the men’s room.

“Think you can spy eh?” he said as he nudged my shoulder and let a giggle escape from his gorgeous lips. He was trying to act all serious and angry. It wasn’t working he just looked like he was about to burst out laughing at any point and give me a hug and send me on my way. (I wish)

I guess this is the time to explain myself “I’m sorry Blaine the truth is…” 

He shook his head. “Save your excuses till later you’re coming with me!” this time he didn’t even bother pretending to be serious he just smiled and nudged me again.

He stood in front of me smiling looking straight into my eyes. I was doing the exact same thing smiling and staring. I watched him as he walked behind me and he knew I was still looking at him. He gave me a small push towards the door. So we were playing like this then? I’m the innocent prisoner I guess. I stumbled forward as he continued to push me closer to the door. He was smirking and I was fighting the laughter that was bubbling in my throat.

“Oh please be gentle with me Blaine.” I said over-dramatically damsel-in-distress style. “I’m fragile” that’s me Kurt Hummel always looking for a chance to make someone laugh. (And flirt?!) He did, he completely lost it he started laughing and couldn’t stop until there were tears running down his face. After a couple of minutes he gained his strong bodyguard composure again.

“Don’t you worry sir I wouldn’t let anything happen to you before the trial” he responded.

He won’t let anything happen to me? I’m overthinking that phrase he’s just meaning that I can’t be damaged before I am sentenced to which ever punishment I deserve.

He laughed again and put his head on my shoulder. He whispered into my ear. “Don’t worry they aren’t going to hurt you and even if they tried I wouldn’t let them…Kurt”

I could feel his breath on my neck; it sent a pleasurable shiver down my spine. I’d never been able to get this close with another guy before. The way he said my name sent blood rushing through my body it sounded so good coming from him I don’t even know how, but even the pause before he said made it sound so perfect

 What he said he wouldn’t let them hurt me? Is he defending me? Have I just made a powerful ally or, even better, a friend?

“Mr Blaine if you please I would prefer it if you respect my personal space!” I tried to carry on the little role play. But in actual fact I didn’t want personal space I wanted him to stay there, or get closer.

“Mr Blaine? I would much prefer Mr Anderson or just Blaine! But if you insist on your space I don’t mean to breach it.” For a second he slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him “But I am a very touchy feely person and you may have to get used to that about me” and he released me.

I’m never the one to flirt; I’ve never been able to. So this was all strange and new to me but with Blaine it felt so natural. Also I really liked the feeling of his arms around me and I intended to get him close to me again so I tried to keep our little scenario going.

“Why would I need to get used to that Mr Anderson? Do you plan on seeing me again?” I turned to face him now.

“Well Kurt I’m afraid I have grown quite fond of you and would like the chance to get to know you better if that’s alright with you?” He said whilst smiling.

“Oh I’m sure we could work something out.” I smiled back at him.

He reached inside one of the pockets in his blazer and retrieved his cell phone.

“I know I’m being forward about this but if I don’t get your number I don’t know when we would see each other again. So I hope you don’t mind but can we exchange details?” he was still smiling but something that looked like worry flashed across his face. Was he nervous?

“I don’t mind in the slightest Blaine. I reached inside my own pocket to get my iPhone. We swapped phones to put in our own details and that was it. I had just made friends with a complete stranger, who also supposed to be the enemy. But I didn’t care. It’s not like I’m Rachel who fell for Jesse’s stupid little mind games. I know what I’m doing, if anything with Blaine.  He passed back my phone. It read; Blaine Anderson (cutie from the staircase at Dalton) and he had put his number in. I went back to the main screen to realise he had left me a little note as well. ‘Call and arrange to meet up with that cute warbler Blaine Anderson’. Well he definitely was forward about things. And he definitely knew I was gay, hmmm I wonder what gave me away? Was it the exceptionally high voice or the amazing taste in fashion or the many other things that would make someone think that.

In his I nearly just put Kurt Hummel and my number. Now I’m happy I decided to be a bit more imaginative with my name.

“Sir Kurt Charles William Harry Hummel the third, well that’s quite a name Mr Hummel would it be okay if I just call you Kurt?”

(I had a chance to put the names of the royals in my name so I took it!) I made a fake sighing noise “If you must Mr Cutie from the staircase.”

“Now who’s being forward?” He winked at me.

We laughed together again.

“We really should get you to Wes and David now; they will be waiting for us.” He said after realising how long we had been messing about for. We took the roles of prisoner and guard again but this time he was holding my hands behind my back.

“So much for being gentle!” I said winking back at him as we walked through a number of corridors.

I looked back at him he to see his reaction, he was smiling right at me.

I don’t know who these Wes and David are but I didn’t seem to care at this point, Blaine was happy and so was I.

This was the start of a beautiful friendship.

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