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A/N: Co-written by OwlWithAHat

TW: sad :(

*Backstory yet again*

After father left, he took all of the money we shared. It was technically all his, but being a family and all, we shared it.

Once he left, my mother was never the same. Her cooking never had enough love, her kisses and hugs were weak, and she worked until her hands grew old and wrinkly. James was different too. He would spend so much time in his room, only coming out for school and food. Our family was officially broken, one of the strings were snapped, all because of me.

Two years later, we moved to the US to continue our education and get some better help for mom. She couldn't shake the feeling of a constant headache and dizziness. All of the affordable hospitals were destroyed in the hurricane.

What we didn't know was that the flight over here made her condition worse. The thought of sickness was not a big thing on our minds except for our mother's sickness. My brother started working to pay off her hospital bills. Fast forward a few years and mother has wound up in the hospital, bedridden. Visiting hours were limited to five a day and only in the afternoon. Soon after it became three, and finally, one more year later it was limited to one. One hour to see our mother, which was right after school.

Alexander P.O.V
The assignment that I walked into for English class is to write a short story about something that interests you. Mr. Seabury said it was too make sure our creative side stayed alive for the next section we did. He said it could be about anything, fiction or nonfiction. He passed out a few examples, one was Free Thoughts On the Proceedings of the Continental Congress. I didn't personally agree with any of what was in it but that's not my place to point that out.

The concept is too vague for me honestly. I could talk about what the name Alexa means and how I think it fits me , but that doesn't interest me enough. I could talk about the Battle of Yorktown, but I don't know enough about it.

At lunch, the guys didn't seem to really notice me sitting down, they were all happy about something and asking John a bunch of questions. The only ones who really acknowledged me we're two girls at the table, that's new.

"Hi, I'm Elizabeth Schuyler, and this is Margarita Schuyler." The one in blue explained. I just kind of waved at them and put my books down at the table. She raised an eyebrow at me and rolled her eyes. I may have seemed rude, but I'm not in the mood to meet new people. This paper is due in a week, and I'm not planning on making it short.

Writing down some ideas, I finally decided to write about the concept of biographies. The fact that someone writes about you how they see it while looking at the facts. They take your life and interpret the most important things from it to write for their paper. I need a title for it, I never was good at titles.

The guys at the table eventually noticed me and said their hi's and one bonjour from our very own French trash, Lafayette. Lafayette explained to both Elizabeth and Margarita that I was mute, so she's not upset anymore.

"I'm sorry Alexander, I didn't think about that. You may call me Eliza, and Margarita likes people to call her Peggy." I raised an eyebrow but disregarded it. We all exchanged numbers and continued talking at the table all friendly like.

I love my group of friends, but they know nothing about me, and I feel like that's not okay in a friendship. Maybe a little later,though, because I've only known them for a week.

I turned my attention away from my paper and to my phone. I had been looking at plastic surgeries for my top. I looked at a picture I took of myself topless and compared it to a picture of a topless celebrity and the only question I ever had was why didn't I look or feel that comfortable ever. I don't mind boobs and female bodies and such, they just don't fit me. I always feel like something is off, and lately it's been because of my top. I want these two large sacks of fat removed from my chest before I cut them off myself.

Lucky for me, having a small phone means having a small screen. Unlucky for me, Lafayette has really good eyes, as he turned around to see what I was doing. He looked at my phone wide eyed and snatched it from my hand to get a better look. As he squinted at the phone he occasionally looked back at me to confirm the resemblance.

"You alright, Laf?" Hercules asked.

I looked at him pleadingly, hoping he'd catch my gaze. My prayers were answered and he looked at me protectively, "Yes, Mon Ami, I'm fine. Just looking at some 'bad grades' he had gotten, even though they aren't bad."

They looked at me suspiciously as I just gave a small sheepish grin. I silently excused myself to go to the bathroom, and Lafayette followed me. Once we got there, he locked the door and made sure it was empty except for us two, which it was. "Mon Ami, explain."

Well, I kind of don't talk Lafayette. The only thing I can think of, Lafayette would be against it or shriek. Although I have no choice...

I grabbed Lafayette's hand shakily and put it on my right breast. Not in a sexual way, just in an understanding way, although he was beat red in the face. I showed him my search history, my ideas, my thoughts. I showed him everything right there. He looked so taken aback that he looked like he was going to pass out or throw up. I grabbed his arm, which he quickly whipped out of my grip. "I'm fine. Fine! Promise. Did you really think we wouldn't accept you?"

I nodded my head slowly as tears started flowing non stop from my tear ducts. Lafayette pulled me into a tight hug. He didn't care if I was a girl, and he still thought Alexander was my real name. I look up at him and say "Thank you." in a shaky voice.

He looks down at me with loving (motherly not coupley) eyes and says "You're welcome." I've never felt so accepted since the incident in the Caribbean.

We walk out of the bathroom as normal as possible, but that's hard to do since I was so happy. Everyone looked at us with confused expressions but went back to talking.
Later that night, I decided to text Lafayette

Me:thank you for today, with me not talking and all I didn't think about telling you, but I'm so glad that I did
Lafayette:no worries Mon Ami, I'll keep your secret until you feel comfortable telling everyone.
Me:wow what did I do to deserve you

After talking to Lafayette I walked into the dining room, where my brother left another note for me. He's been working a lot of late shifts lately. At least this time he put everything I needed to make dinner in one spot. Now I may not be the best cook, but I'm amateur, and any amateur can make a grilled ham and cheese sandwich.

I guess not though because I just fucking burned town the house. I guess I forgot to turn the gas stove off because when I walked back into the kitchen after eating my food, all of the wood furniture was on fire.

I freaked out and called Jamie. I ran upstairs to my backpack trying to find my inhaler and my mom's pendant. If nothing else comes out of this then that's all I want.

I was stuttering when Jamie answered, "You're lucky I'm on my break, what's up Lex?" He answered dully.

"Th-the house is on fire. I-i don't know what h-happened, it was just there a-and I don't know what to d-do. I grabbed m-mother's pendant and my inhaler b-but instill can't breathe a-"

"Calm down, I'll be there to pick you up in 5 minutes. Don't move." He demanded in a worried voice.

Fire was starting to climb up the stairs and I was getting progressively sweaty from the flames threatening to pour on to the carpeted floor. I started crying and I couldn't do anything about it. My reaction was to call Lafayette and explain why I won't come into school tomorrow but it came out as a jumble of words and sobs.

"Slow down, Alexander, what's going on?"

"M-my house is on fire a-and I'm stuck upstairs I d-don't know what t-to do."

"I'LL BE RIGHT THERE HOLD ON MON AMI! HERCULES GRAB THE CAR!" was the last thing I heard before my phone died. I crawled into a corner and waited for someone to come get me like the helpless piece of shit I am. Someone, anyone.

I tried using my inhaler, but there was no more medication left in it. I was having trouble breathing as the smoke clouded my lungs. My eyes started stinging and I became light headed. I don't know what happened after that..

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