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Co-written by OwlWithAHat

*What Laf says: I can't fucking believe how dense you are*

Hercules P.O.V
Me and Lafayette were hanging out on his couch after we were done with homework. Laurens was there too, he was just using the bathroom. After the episode of Friends finished, Laf got a phone call from someone.

"It is Alexander, I must take this monsieur." Lafayette said as he walked out of the room to take the call. But Alexander doesn't talk...

I walked to where Laf had gone to listen to his conversation. All I could hear was a very stressed out girl voice. But Alexander isn't a girl.

I'm so confused I'm sitting back down. As I made my way back to the sofa another rerun of friends came on. I plopped down on the sofa and waited for Laf to finish talking.

"I'LL BE RIGHT THERE MON AMI! HERCULES GRAB THE CAR!" Was all I heard him say before shoving me off the couch out of the house and into the car.

"WAIT FOR LAURENS IDIOT!" I shouted at Laf.

Laurens ran out of the house looking confused. "Why the hell did u hear Laf scream?!"

"We have to go over to Alexander's house now! Someone call the Fire department!"

After that there were no questions. When they answered Laurens he quickly said Alexander's street address and hung up the phone. He then proceeded to call an ambulance.

When we got to his house there was fire coming out of the windows and through the front door. No one was here that could help because the neighbors decided to be dicks and watch instead of getting to safety or I don't know maybe CALLING THE FREAKING FIRE DEPARTMENT.

I parked the car and rushed into the house. I don't care if I don't come out I'm gonna try to save my friend. When I got through the fire covered doorway all I could see was orange in every direction.

"Alexander!" I screamed, barely even hearing myself at this point. I figured it would just be easier to search the house instead of yelling for him. Not in the bathroom, not in the living room, none of the closets. Time to check upstairs.

The bathroom was empty, the two bedrooms were clean. The closet is clean. I climbed through the nearest window and jumped out, since it was a small house.

"Guys I can't find him." I said to a crying Lafayette and comforting Laurens.

"He's got to be in there, Herc. Look some more because he could be dying and the fire fighters aren't here." Laurens said as he rubbed circles into Lafayette's back.

I turn around and run back in, double and triple checking each room, until I got to the bigger of the two bedrooms. I looked in the bedroom closet, behind the furniture and finally under the bed. There I see Alexander, curled up in a ball with his inhaler lying next to his limp hand.

I threw the bed off of him and onto the wall. I scooped him up and ran through the rubble, scraping myself on some broken wood from the door frames. His shirt got caught right as I made my way to the front door, exposing his chest.

I laid him flat on the grass in front of the house and just looked taken aback. He- no, she was lying there, scrapes across her face and burns all over her body. Lafayette didn't care about what we saw, he threw himself over her limp body and cried. "My poor little boy..." He whispered.

"Lafayette, I don't think Alexander is a boy." Laurens said gently, but Lafayette didn't respond, he just cried and cried and cried. We all sat on the grass and hugged him, trying not to look at Alexander in respect to her exposed breasts. Lafayette searched Alexander for her phone and put it in his pocket.

When the firemen and ambulance got there, they put her on a gurney and wheeled her off to the hospital; we followed closely behind. Lafayette took Alexander's phone out of his pocket and tried finding her emergency contacts. When he called the first one, James, he immediately picked up. "Lex, what's going on? I'm almost there so don't worry about anything." He said in a frantic voice.

"Monsieur James, we are his friends and found him under the bed all burned. He is being taken to the hospital now." Lafayette said in a broken voice.

"Don't worry I'll be there as soon as possible, make sure he knows that I'm calling his cousin." He said and hung up. Little does his brother know he's unconscious. Well I guess that meant he didn't have to call the other emergency contacts.

When we got to the hospital we ran with the nurses wheeling the gurney down the hall. "How long do you think it will take?"

"When can we see him?"

"Why can't we stay longer?"

"Sir's, please, we have to go and help this woman before something awful happens." The main nurse said.

We slowly stopped running and watched as she wheeled her away. Laf went to sit on the bench in the hospital lobby along with me and Laurens and cried even more, "My poor little boy!"

"Lafayette, Alexander isn't a boy." Laurens tried once more, and again was ignored.

The door bursts open and sweaty long haired boy that looked strikingly similar to Alexander walks to the desk. "H-hello, I'm here for my brother Alexander Hamilton, he should have gotten admitted a few minutes ago?"

"Monsieur James?" Lafayette asked through tears."

He looked over at us, tears beginning to form in his eyes. He smiled, "Thank you for bringing him here. I wish I could've gotten out of work in time but... Thank you so so much. I owe you." He said.

"Non non, we are simply looking out for our friend." Lafayette said.

I looked at John, who was looking straight forward, leaning on his knees and twirling his hands over and over again. It looked like he was in a trance of some sort.

I put my hand on his shoulder and rubbed it against my thumb. He seemed to relax a little bit but was still wearing a worried expression on his face. I sighed and pulled both of the squad members into a hug.

"There's one thing I'm confused with." I said to James.

"Anything." He said guiltily, probably due to the fact that he missed his brother/sister.

"Why the fuck did she say she was a boy when quite obviously she's a girl?!" I asked insanely confused.

Lafayette looked at me as if he wanted to punch me, "It's because he's fucking transgender Hercules, how could you not see that he was uncomfortable wearing tight shirts or constantly wouldn't speak because he has a high voice and je ne peux pas croire combien tu es dense." He said. I've never seen him so upset.

James looked at Lafayette in shock. "I'm assuming you are fluent in French just like Alexander?" I asked. He slowly nodded. "Good because I don't know what the hell he just said."

"Do you think this is a fucking game, Hercules? Alexander is dying because the entire neighborhood thought it better to watch and take pictures of it instead of helping him. I'm happy that you saved him but I don't think his gender is what's important right at the fucking moment." He said in one breath.

I looked at him in awe. I've never heard Lafayette swear so much in one sentence. I was kind of mad at him but I get what he means. I just looked straight ahead at James, who was looking anywhere but at the crying Lafayette. He shook his leg up and down as he frantically looked for something to focus his attention to. I just sat silently until I could find words to say.

I couldn't...

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