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Trigger warning: Panic Attack (towards end/mid chapter) 

"So if Taehyung lost his hearing from being slapped, if I slap him again will he get his hearing back?"

"Mark go back to sleep you're annoying" Hoseok whispers as he gently moves his foot to hit Mark's shoulder. 

"At least you get to sleep on the couch" Mark pouts before shutting up 

"Plus I mean he didn't say it was because he was slapped, they still don't know how he became deaf"  Ricky says 

"Ricky you are awake? Wheres my boy Jungkook?" Mark asks and Hoseok extends his foot and puts it over Mark's nose. 

"Hoseok!" Mark says as he quickly gets up pushing Hoseok's foot away 

"No really wheres Jungkook?" He asks as he squints in the dark looking around the room. 

"He probably went to check on Taehyung", Hoseok says in a quiet voice as he goes back into a comfortable sleeping position.

"What?" Mark asks and Hoseok just tells him to go back to sleep. 

Jungkook an hour before at three in the morning was awoken by soft foot steps, Jungkook can be a light sleeper so any slight sound can wake him.

"Sorry" Taehyung said almost inaudible as he noticed someone shift in the dark. Taehyung woke up in the dark messy room that belonged to Jeon Jungkook. He got scared at first until he remembered he was in Jungkook's place, he couldn't see much in the dark but he knew one thing, he was hungry. The kitchen was basically near the sleeping kids so he had to pass them. Not knowing how much noise he was making he tried to walk slowly which just ended up sounding loud to Jungkook. 

Jungkook looked at him and got up with his phone in hand he turned on the flashlight and put it on one hand as he spelt out 'hungry?'. Taehyung nodded and sat at the kitchen counter in the dark as Jungkook laid his phone down, light up on it and got out random stuff from his cabinets, he took out bread, turkey, chips, two bottles of soda. He took out two plates and made them sandwiches. in the dark phone lit room they sat side by side eating in silence. 

"did they say anything stupid about me right? Tap my shoulder once for yes, two for no"he said a bit too loud but no one seemed to wake up. Jungkook taped his shoulder once then paused and taped it again. Causing Taehyung to angrily push his shoulder, "Don't joke with me" Jungkook tries hiding his laugh in his hand as he saw how offended Taehyung looked. 

"soda at two in the morning you're crazy" Taehyung mumbles under his breath before gulping down the soft drink. 

Now at three in the morning everyone is awake, Hoseok telling Mark to sleep, Ricky already back to sleep.  Jungkook and Taehyung are in Jungkook's bed room talking. 

"Are you sure they didnt say something funny about me?"

"Positive don't worry about it" 

"sorry I took over your bed and you had to sleep out there" Taehyung says 

"don't be I like sleeping on the floor, its nice"

"dont lie Jungkook" Taehyung rolls his eyes. 

"So when did you learn some sign language?" Taehyung asks and Jungkook contemplates what he should say.

"I just started" he admits. 

"Can you repeat that" Taehyung asks not quite reading the words on jungkook's lips. 

"Recently" is all he says making the sentence smaller and hoping to dismiss the subject

"Why?" Taehyung asks, Jungkook sighs he cant lie. He cant make anything up. 

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