Chapter 1

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Kole's POV


"Kole, are you listening? Can you hear me Kole?" The women spoke

I sat there in the cushioned chair with my attention focused on the floor.

"Kole, these sessions aren't for you to sit here and not say anything. I know you have things to say, there's plenty to speak the events that occurred at school last week. Christian spoke to me of it..." She says

When there isn't a response the lady releases a sigh and speaks once more

"When you feel like talking, I'll be here but as of now, I have other patients waiting. Do you understand?"She speaks

I divert my eyes to the chair that is occupied by the women and make contact for the first time in the session.

"Kole?" She questions

I inhale and exhale a breath and nod

Quickly gathering my things and picking myself from the chair, I walk out and into the lobby. Eyeing the individuals that await for their appointments. I scoff and roll eyes

These people are wasting their time

I leave the building and stroll down the streets, roaming around just trying to use time. I walk through town, a blank expression etched on my face with my headphones plugged, arms crossed and eyes focused on the direction I walk.

Figuring when the time is right, I make my way home.

The once blue skies are now gray, clouds surrounding the area as they release drops of water.

I walk blankly through the pouring rain all up until I reach home. Hair drenched and in my face and my shoes filled with water, I come to the door, unlock it and walk inside.
Not phased by the mess I leave, I throw my things on the floor and kick my shoes to the side.

I let out a sigh and drag my body up the stairs and to the bathroom to take a shower.

The water caressing my body as I stand under it, running my hands through my hair as I rinse the soap out. Moments pass and I remove myself from the shower and grab the towel that hangs on the hook.
Wrapping it around my figure and walking into my room, opening drawers and searching for clothing to wear. Picking shorts and a baggy t-shirt, I sit myself on my bed and stare at the wall.
Silence occupying the atmosphere

Pure and utter silence

My ears perk at the sudden sound of voices outside the bedroom door.

They're home

I sigh and move off the bed and over to the door, laying my hand upon it and twisting the knob slowly, finally opening it, I glide out and down the hall. My feet patting the floor, I halt at the railing of the stairs and look over.  No one in view just the sound of voices. I lean my body against the rails and support my arm on it, laying my head in my hand. I stare at the empty living room for what feels like hours until a figure appears in sight.

"Kole?...Is that you?" Alec, my brother questions

"Who else would it fucking be, I'm the only damn girl in this household." I say in monotone

He chuckles and shakes his head
Though it's true, I live under one roof with 6 other beings, all of them boys. My 6 brothers and then me, the only girl. All of us being on our own, as our parents aren't around anymore.

"How was your day?" Alec questions

I shrug in response and he just nods in understanding
He was about to speak again when I interrupted

"Hey, I'm gonna call it a day and head to bed." I say


"Goodnight kiddo, I love you." He responds with a smile
I nod in return with a "goodnight," to finish.

I head to my room, walking in and closing the door. Going to my bed and laying myself on the soft cushion, pulling the comforter over my body and switching the lamp off that sits on the side table.

Shifting around I get comfortable, closing my eyes I drift off.

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