Chapter 2

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Kole's POV

The rays of light have me flutter my eyes open and greet the morning. Bringing my hands to my eyes and rubbing them. I stretch out my arms and let out a yawn, and turn my head to the wall where the clock hangs upon


I groan and roll over, shoving my face in the embrace of my pillow, hoping to doze off again. Minutes pass and I'm unable to fall asleep. Sighing, I throw the comforter off my body and lift my body from the soft cushion. My feet hitting the floor, I remove myself from the bed and walk over to the bathroom.

Walking out the bathroom, I'm caught off guard by the sight of Christian on my bed.

"How was the session yesterday?.." He questions

"Good morning to you too."

"How was the session Kole?" He repeats, his voice thick and serious

Suddenly finding the floor more interesting, I stare at it, speaking shortly after but with no eye contact

"It was well." I reply short

"Really? How so?.." Christian speaks and cocking his head to the left to seem more interested but I know he knows about my lack of progress with the therapist.

"For fuck sakes Christian! What do you want me to say?! Or do?!" I speak my voice slightly raised

He lifts his body from his position

"I want you to try Kole!!" He shouts

"I just want you to fucking try!! Try communicating with people besides the ones you share blood with. You don't talk to anyone so much as look at them. Try expressing your feelings! That's if you have any...Your always cramped inside and in this damn room of yours. And when you're outside, you go to the more isolated places. I just want you to try..okay? Is that so much to ask for?" He raises, the last few words coming out as a whisper.

"Yeah it is Christian." I respond

He sighs and is about to speak but gets interrupted when the door opens.

"There's five other people living in this house, five people trying to sleep damnit! What the fuck are you two yelling about at 8:30 in the morning?!!" Samson yells barging in

"Just go back to bed. We're finished." Christians answers, eyeing me then leaves the room

Samson looks at me and speaks

"What were you two talking about?" He questions

I remain silent and walk over to where he stands, nudging him out of the room and closing the door.

"Fine. Don't tell me then." He responds

I lean my back against the doorway and slide down. Blankly staring at the floor once more.

And the request Christian asked for has me question to myself...

How can I try?..

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