Chapter 3

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Third Person's POV

Kole walks out of her room and down the hallway, halting when she hears her name in conversation.

"What's with Kole?" Samson, one of Kole's many older brothers, questions

"What its always been with Kole. She's not trying." Christian responds

Kole carries herself closer to where they are, and stands aside yet behind the wall so they don't see her.

"You can't help someone if they don't want to help themselves Chris..." Sam says

"Why do you keep trying, huh? Haven't you realized that she isn't gonna change." Samson says

"She is our sister Samson! She is our little sister, who is alone and lost. Haven't you seen that. Can't you see the look in her eyes, and the sad appearance that lurks on her face. She used to be so real and happy, and now it's like she isn't even here anymore. It's like she's dead. She has no emotion to her, she doesn't express anything at all, and she dresses like she's attending a damn funeral." Christian responds

There's no words spoken, as Samson stays silent. Knowing the words his brother speaks are true. That wasn't Kole anymore. And she knew that too.

"I'm just trying to give her back her life. Give her a chance at opportunity and happiness. I want her to be able to interact with people, socialize without having it end in her shying away or punching someone. I want to see her smile again and hear that beautiful laugh of hers.." Christian says as the last few words come out as a whisper.

"I want her to be my sister again..." Christian finishes as exits the room leaving Samson alone in silence.

Kole stares out blankly, and then focuses her attention on her brother who stands alone in the center of the room.

Sam sighs and speaks, not to himself but to his sister, who's standing at the door frame.

"What happened to you?" Sam questions

Kole stays silent not looking at her brother but to the wall beside her

Sam sighs at the lack of voice and turns his head to the gloomy and lost girl

"What happened to you Kole? You used to be so real and happy. Always smiling and laughing." Samson speaks again hoping to gain a response but all he receives is silence

Kole's attention still remains on the plain wall

Samson drops his head and releases and breath, shaking his head and makes his way to the door before a voice stops him.

"Used too." Kole responds

Sam lifts his head and turns to his sister

"Not anymore.." Kole finishes before leaving her brother there with a heavy heart.

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