What's This? Chapter I

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"And so remember, class, all expository writing must be due on Friday, or points will be deducted off your grade, I also want yo-"

RRRRRIIIIIIIIIING the period bell rang, ending the final English period, Thank gosh. I thanked Ms. Kriese and headed out the door onto my locker. I quickly jammed my binders into my purple plaid backpack and ran out the front doors of Westlake High and onto the sidewalk. People were chatting around me. Some on their phones, others just walking quietly. I heard someone curse some flapping bird on their iPhone.

"Emma!" My friend Lauren yelled after me. She caught up with my walking pace. "Can you come over tonight and have a sleepover! I rented "Despicable Me!" She said. Emma was one of my few friends I had. She was slightly plump with Long brown wavy hair that came down to her butt. She wore large circle earrings, and a red v-neck dress that came down to her shins.

"No thanks, Lauren. My parents probably won't drive me there. Remember, I still don't have my license yet!" I sighed.

I had taken my driver's test once before, and failed. I still remember the look of the squashed orange traffic cones I ran over. Oops.

"Well, call me if you change your mind, bye." She waved and hurried off towards the busses. I walked down the street towards my house, which was only 2 blocks away from my school. My mind started to wander off, as usual and I slowly started thinking of my future as an astronomer, and perhaps someday working at NASA. I was so absorbed in my thoughts I didn't see the couple walking quickly in front of me.

I knocked into them and landed on my butt, the contends of my binder spilling out onto the pavement.

"Oh, sorry there, didn't see ya!" The woman said with a thick Scottish accent as she helped me gather up my Textbooks and put them back in my backpack.

She was pretty, with pale skin and flaming red hair that flowed down her back. She wore skinny jeans, combat boots, and a plain black t-shirt with a leather jacket on top. She looked nice, despite the fact she knocked me over.

"Amy, come on, the doctor needs us." A tall man said. He had short light brown hair with a somewhat large nose. He was wearing converse, a plaid t-shirt with a black zip-up hoodie on top. He spoke in a British accent, which sounded weird here in Texas.

"Sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" I chucked. I watched them as they walked down an alleyway near the sewers. I sensed something was up. I crept around the corner and poked my head into the alley. What surprised me wasn't that the couple wasn't there, but a strange blue box in the alleyway. I cautiously made my way into the over to it and walked around the "POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX", inspecting every inch of it. I knocked softly on the front of it.

No answer.

I put my ear up to the blue painted wood and heard hushed voices inside. I heard only a few words, like "cyber" and "man" and "School". The voices became louder and I suddenly figured out what happened. I quickly hurried away from the door and onto the sidewalk, trying to look casual. Three people came out of the phone box. The couple I bumped into 10 minutes ago and another man.

The first thing that caught my eye was his bow tie. Then his tweed jacket then his too-short pants, boots, and a button-up shirt.

"Nice bow tie." I said as he walked by

"Thank you! He replied. "See? At least she has some taste in fashion." He told the red-head, who sighed and rolled her eyes.

They continued to walk down the sidewalk and into the school.

That definitely seemed weird to me. What was a "cyberman," and why are they heading into the school?

I stuck behind them a few feet. I leaned against the chain fence that surrounded the perimeter of the football field and pretended to watch the lacrosse team warming up. They hurried through the doors of the school, passing the front office, and turned right into the the empty Sophomore hallways, their footsteps echoing through the red and blue locker lined hallways.

The trio stopped at a door marked "CUSTODIAL." Mr. Bow tie took out a silver and gold metal rod and pointed it at the lock. The tip glowed a light greenish color and produced a small, high pitched buzzing sound. He placed it in the inside pocket of his tweed jacket, and he pushed the door in. I cautiously left my hiding place behind locker 260, and pressed my body agianst the white tile walls, leaving my backpack near the door.

But before I could make it in the room, my elbow hit the doorframe.


I yelped out in pain, slapping a hand over my mouth...But it was too late. They all spun around. I stood there awkwardly-halfway through the door.

"What do you think you're doing?" Mr. Bow tie said, walking towards me.

"W-well, I uh, saw you w-walking a-a-and I j-just sorta followed you g-guys and..." I babbled, feeling like a complete idiot. He then pulled out the same metal wand he used to open the door and pointed it at my head, the same noise came out of it, and the tip glowed green.

"Uuuuhh, what is that stick doing? I asked nervously, backing away.

"One: it's a sonic screwdriver, not a stick! Two: I'm scanning you to see if you're dangerous or not.

"Me? Well, I'm pretty harmless." I stuttered "I'm so harmless, I need to go home and feed my not-dangerous cat sooo..." I said quickly, backing away from the room.

"Wait just a minute more, please Bow tie man said, stepping closer to me. "Why exactly did you follow us?"

I was just curious! I explained hastily. "I saw them," I said, gesturing to the redhead and the other man, "go into an alley, and I saw this blue police box, and I heard you all saying stuffy like Cyber, and School, and was curious, so I followed you guys aaaand here I am now." I said

"Well, I think you shou-" he began to say. His eyes shifted from me to something behind me. I turner around slowly, coming face-to-face with a man.

"Run!" He shouted as we all hurried out of the room and into the hallways.



hello y'all! First chapter is in! I would really appreciate if y'all could give me some feedback on my writing. In only in 7th grade, and I'm trying to improve my writing skill. If y'all do enjoy it, a vote would be greatly appreciated!

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