Chapter 6 | Part 6

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Jesse was in the House, she was spinning around and was starting to get crazy.

Jesse: This cool Jesse,YES YES.... Everything will be fine,You'll be fine...Y-YESSS,I I'LL BE FINE,RIGHT???!??!??!?!??! HAHAHAHAHA! *Started hitting herself* If Controls Jesse!! You can do it!! You're stronger than that King stupid!! Y-YES,Y-YES.....

Jesse stopped walking and started hitting more on herself.

Jesse: You! *Hit herself*
can! *Beat again*

A Voice: h-help Jesse!!

Jesse: ah?

Jesse turned around and didn't see anyone.

Jesse: ....W-Who goes there?

A Voice: We need you Jesse!

The voice appeared but once and Jesse met the voice

Jesse: L-Lukas?????

Voice: h-help us Jesse!! *like many voices speaking together*

Jesse: Petra..Oliva....Axel... Lukas!! d-don't worry....I am going!!

Jesse opened the door quickly but she nearly burns in the Sun and yet kept hearing the voice.

Voice: P-Please!! Help!!!


She use your vampire speed to go quickly in a shadow tree, she burned all but she looks good

Jesse: AH AH AH!! Easy Jesse you are okay .... That's just burns *holding your arm*

Voice: Jesse!! Where are you??? Help us!!

Jesse: I-I'm coming!!

Jesse began to walk inside in the woods following the voice that she thinks is your friends

Voice: NO!! PLEASE!! AHH!!

Jesse: NOOO!!!

When she gets close to the voice she had not nobody.

Jesse: LUKAS!!!! .....

There was a minute of silence when Jesse began to hear a evil laugh coming close to her.And in front of Jesse appeared a figure, you couldn't see who it was because I was on the shadows

It's very easy to trick you...hahaha....

Jesse: ah?? Who's there???

You're still vey silly,isn't? No matter who you're don't stop for a little

Jesse: Wait... I've heard that voice.....

Figure out the shadows revealing that it was the King of Vampires.

Jesse: AH NO!!!

King of the Vampires: Suprise!! Happy to see me?


Jesse took a stake in your pocket and tried to attack the King, but he deflects the attack her with ease and she almost falls into the Sun.

King of the Vampires: Wow,Relax there girl

Jesse: N-NEVER!!!

She tried to attack again but this time he drops on the floor and began holding Jesse by the neck

Jesse: L-LET.....ME GO...Y-YOUR....BAT COWARD!

King of the Vampires: ....Okay then

He let Jesse on the floor and walked away slowly on her

King of the Vampires: Sorry for assaulting with you

Jesse: *taking deep breaths* I-I don't want to hear your excuses! I want you to make me human again!!

King of the Vampires: Hahaha That's it? After I have given to you, powers,strength and resistance chart, you want to be a human? You should thank me because I made you immortal

Jesse: ....H-How dare you say that??

King of the Vampires: As I dare say that? I'm not done yet, I want to give you a "LAST GIFT"

Jesse: I don't want anything from you!! Stay away from me!!

King of the Vampires: Hahaha...I'm going to pretend that you want your gift....

And I bet you going love it!
Jesse tried to run away but she could not get up the magic of Kind of the Vampires.He turned to get something back from the bush,Jesse still tried to fight for your freedom but when he turned around to show.....was a cow

Jesse: Ahhh???W-What??

King of the Vampires: I took this especially for you *put the cow on the floor*

Jesse: Why are you giving me this??
Thought of Jesse: That sounds weird...

King of the Vampires: You're starving,I'm not like your friends that don't help anyone hungry

Jesse: NO NO! I already know what you want to do! I can't take blood, I CAN'T!!

King of the Vampires: Why not? You don't think that cow is not delicious?

Jesse: *Began to smell* ohh.... She smells good ... She seems to be ... NO NO NO!!!

The Head of Jesse started freaking out again, she tried to fight it

King of the Vampires: Hahaha...Come on Jesse, drink a little won't hurt right?

Jesse stopped fighting herself stood there looking at the cow ... and then she lampeu your lips

Jesse: .... Well.... I think rather....not hurt right?

King of the Vampires: Of course not...Go ahead, it's all yours

Jesse lost control and started to go up front in the cow,and she quickly took the balls off the cow and started to feed. After that the King used your magic and launched about "Jesse" with a evil smile on your face.Jesse lowered your head and didn't take anything for the magic, and a part of your hair started turning red.....After releasing the magic on Jesse, he came close to her and put your hand on your shoulder on Jesse

King of the Vampires: How was this cow? *There were no responses*
Hahaha,I knew you'd like it! You know I can give you more, all you need to do is do what I say....Okay?

Jesse stood there for a few second until you move your head up and down slowly,showing how "Yes"

King of the Vampires: Good..... Very good...
I think you better start "feed".....I think your friends wouldn't mind you get a little of that,right?

Jesse: ....Yeh....They wouldn't mind,right??

King of the Vampires: Good... HAHAHAHAHAHA...Very Good!

The King of Vampires started laughing evil, and Jesse.....was about controlled by him.

~End of Chapter 6~


Ohh Boy! O.O

(Yes,this story Jesse will be evil -w-  

Always wanted to make Jesse turn evil,like Lukas and Petra in PAMA :v)

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