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"Happy birthday!" Colleen squealed giving me a hug. We walked down the hall to our lockers.

"Thank you!"

I almost had a heart attack when I saw my locker. It was decorated all over. I wouldn't have a problem with that except there were embarrassing pictures of me everywhere!

"Colleen!" I yelled with my eyes wide. "Take these down!"

There were multiple pictures of me off guard and screenshots she had take from snapchat. These were the ugliest faces I have ever seen. The only decent picture up was of me and Josh holding hands.

That was basically it.

"No! Do you have any idea how long it took to print those out?"

"I don't care, this is embarrassing." I stated pointing at the decorations.

"Oh well, deal with it." She just laughed as she put in her combination. I just sighed in frustration putting in my own combo.

"Happy birthday ash!" A deep familiar voice announced. It was Andrew. He gave me a hug from behind, wrapping both arms around my neck.

"Thank you." I replied turning around to hug him properly. Tasha was enviously staring at us in our friendly hug.

"I got you something."

"Andrew, cmon you can't keep buying me things." I pulled away staring at him.

"It's your birthday what do you expect me to do?" Andrew asked.

"You didn't need to get me anything." Just then he handed me a gift bag. It had tissue paper and a card and everything.

I wasn't sure whether to open it or not so I just held in my hand about to hug him again. "Well, open it you dumb blonde."

I pulled out the tissue paper stuffing it inside my locker and saw a familiar shade of purple. My jaw dropped as I pulled out the same shirt I had obsessed about at target. "Andrew! Thank you so much!"

I hugged him again not even caring about the people staring around us. "Of course."

"Your the best."

"I know."

I looked over at Colleen which was staring at me with wide eyes and a smirk. Wow Andrew was actually the best.

He's not as bad as I thought he was. Literally, a couple weeks ago I absolutely hated him. Now he's actually one of my close friends. Andrew is the best guy friend I could ever ask for.

"I'll catch you later ash." And he walked off with a brief smile. Tasha was glaring at me from across the hall. She stood beside her friends and they all turned to look at me.

Oh boo hoo for you. It's not my fault Andrew bought me a birthday gift. I didn't ask him to shower me in gifts. He did that all on his own.

Sorry he didn't buy your spoiled self anything. Cry about it, I don't care. Just don't feel the need to take it up with me.

"Oh my god ashley!" Colleen giggled. "That was so cute."

"Stop we're just friends.." I was blushing at what she said. I stuffed my belongings in my locker before closing it.

"It didn't look like it."

"Well it's no big deal so don't even start." I warned pointing a finger nervously laughing.

"Okay, whatever you say. Josh would've saw it different."

"Josh said he'd give me my gift after school."

"Wow, no guys have ever gotten me birthday gifts." She complained.

"One day Coll, one day."

We walked into homeroom sitting in our usual seats. Colleen told Mara and Ava about the gift exchange. It really wasn't a big deal.

Andrew and I are just friends and today was my birthday. It's no big deal.

He didn't have to buy me a $25 gift though. I know he probably doesn't mind but he didn't have to do that. I would've been fine with a cupcake. Lord knows I'd appreciate that way more.

Now that I think of it, I seriously need a cupcake. Ugh, I'm so hungry. Anyone have a cupcake they can donate?

All donations appreciated.


After school Josh came to give me my gift. It was a small box of earrings. They were small diamonds to match the inexpensive necklace he bought me a while back.

I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I wasn't too thrilled about kohls earrings.

I kindly thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. I switched out my real diamond earrings with the fake ones. As soon as I got home however I desperately needed to take them off.

My ears started hurting from the material of the jewelry. They turned red and pieces of the metal got stuck my ear and it was just a painful situation.

My mom was in the kitchen making dinner while my dad was out of state.

I wish he were here.

I sat down on the couch with the card I hadn't read from Andrew yet. I opened it up to see the few lines he had written to me.

Happy birthday Ashley!
I know I didn't have to buy you anything but when I went back to target I saw the same shirt you liked last time. It made me think of you so I just bought it. Don't worry about the money, you mean the world to me ash. I hope your day goes as planned, I love you.


While reading it I smiled. That was so sweet. He really was the best. I was about to snapchat him a thank you when I got a message from Tasha freaking Hailand.

She sent me a picture which was still loading. As soon as it loaded I felt like screaming and crying. This girl did not just post this on her story.

Tears welled up in my eyes at the screenshot. The picture was of a screenshot from her story of me CHANGING IN THE LOCKER ROOM!!

You could see half of my face as I was struggling to take off my jeans. The only thing I had on was my bralette and cheeky underwear. My jeans were half way down my legs so I was pretty much half naked.

The caption read:

A not so Happy birthday to this skank.

My heart started beating extremely fast to the point where I became extremely nervous. Without even noticing it, I began hysterically crying.

My mom came rushing in to see what was wrong but I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Ashley what's wrong?" My frightened mother sat beside me pulling me into a hug.

I gasped for breath and my chest hurt. Badly.

"Mom.. my heart. I-it hurts." I managed to say in between gasps. I continued crying as I felt the now intense pain in my chest.

I began getting messages from people but I didn't open them. It was probably about the picture.

"Do you want to go to the docter?" My mom asked looking worried. I winced in pain as my heart started beating even faster.

She rushed me in the car and I couldn't help but continue to cry. I was so upset that I felt like dying. MY WHOLE FREAKING BUTT WAS ON SNAPCHAT!!

I just knew those girls were taking pictures of me. I had a strong gut feeling.

We drove to the hospital, and I was so scared. I think I'm having a panic attack, but why does it hurt so much?

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