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    It's been a few hours since Andrew was last here.  I couldn't help but feel empty inside for some freaking reason. Something was missing.

   I tried to keep Andrew off my mind for just a little while before thinking over what I'd say. Before thinking over how exactly I'll tell him about my feelings.

   Tasha freaking Hailand interrupted me this morning so I could say it then. She ruined my perfect opportunity. I was literally this close to letting the words slip out of my mouth.

   I was pretty hesitant about it at first, debating on whether I should even bother telling him. Looking back now I'm mentally rolling myself down a flight of stairs. Ashley you are so freaking stupid!

   Why didn't you say it fast enough?

It's okay though, you want to know why?

Okay I'll tell you..

No matter what happens I'm going tell him tonight. I'm going to get over myself and tell Andrew that I love him.

  Well that's new..

It wasn't until I saw him with Tasha that I finally figured out what this crazy, strange, feeling was. My crush on Andrew Hills has further developed ever since that day.

   With each day that goes by, I fall more and more in love with him. I don't know how it happened, but it just did. I can't control my feelings, and who I have those feelings for.

    I tried to fight it off but we both know that the more I fought the stronger my emotions became. The truth is that I don't think I can handle seeing him with another girl. I don't know if I can handle seeing him with Tasha anymore.

   I want him okay? I want Andrew. I was the stupid one that pushed away a great thing when I had it. Now that he may be gone, is when I want him.

    He couldn't have moved on that quickly.. could he? It's only been a few weeks, well months. He must still feel something for me.

   Andrew Hills said that he wanted me. Did he still mean that? Would he come back to me if I finally confessed my love and admiration for him? I hope so.

   I laid there flat on my back staring at my living room ceiling fan. I was laying on the black leather couch closest to the wall. Greys anatomy was playing on my tv but I gave up trying to pay attention episodes ago.

   I can't stop thinking about him. Andrew is there in my mind. His eyes, his smile, just his perfect everything lingered in my thoughts. Oh what I'd give to look at him up close, and to run my small fingers through his dark brown hair.

   These fantasies of me and him will be the death of me I swear.

   Our last moments together played over and over again in my head on a constant loop. Him being there with me during my first and ongoing hangover. Him making us breakfast.

   Ugh! He's so perfect.

Andrew is always there for me. He was mad at me before and with time he moved past it. It feels so good to be able to talk to him again. I honestly thought he'd be mad at me forever.

   Last night and today revealed a completely different answer. He always has been and seemingly always will be there for me. No matter what the situation, he'd be there for me. And I loved the thought of that.

   The thought of him being right there by my side. Tonight would hopefully be the start of it all.

   I quickly got up and headed for my room. It was starting to get dark out so I needed to act soon. I put on the shirt he gave me for my birthday along with very minimal makeup. I brushed out my hair, before spotting his jacket in front of my window again.

    I smiled, being instantly reminded of him. Reminded of what an amazing human being he is. Despite all his flaws and rumors being spread about him, he was the best person I've ever met. One of the most important people in my entire life.

   I wasn't about to let him go.

Andrew has given me his address a while back so I knew where his house was. It was an average sized house on a dead end on the other side of the highway. It was a twenty minute walk from here so it'd take me some time if I walked.

   No, I need to do this now.

I called Colleen, trying to convince her to give me a ride. She shipped Andrew and I, so there was a possibility that she'd be able to take me. I mean I feel bad for making her mom go out of her way, but I needed to get over there somehow.

    I don't have my freaking license yet so I can't just hop into any old car and drive over there. I wasn't trying to get a ticket.

    "Hey ash, what's up?" She answered.

"Hey can I ask you a favor?" I wondered into the phone.

   "What kind of favor?"

"Can you give me a ride over to Andrew's house?"

"Ashley it's freaking 9:30 at night!" Colleen pointed out. Oh.. whoops I guess I lost track of time.

   " oh shoot! I didn't even see the time." I face palmed.

   "Why do you want to go there anyways?"

"I need to talk to him about something."

"Like what?" She interrogated. I heard the curiosity in her voice.

   "There's a confession I have to make.." I trailed off thinking of the possible outcomes. There are so many different ways that this could all play out.

   "Oh my.. are you.."

"Am I what?" I asked making sure we were on the same page.

   "Your going to tell him you love him, aren't you?" Colleen laughed.


"Oh my god! Ashley! I'm getting my sister to drive you, you need to go!" She squealed. I laughed at her enthusiasm. "Come over right now!"

   "Alright, I'll see you in a few." And we hung up. Why do I feel so.. nervous? Yeah I get I'm going to pull a Romeo and practically serenade my love to Andrew, but why do I feel like I'm about to throw up all over the place?

   It's the butterfly's isn't it..

I took a few deep breaths pacing over to my coat rack, putting on a thin cardigan. It'd be a little chilly tonight so I wasn't going to just leave the house in an open shoulder shirt. I'm not trying to freeze to death.

   I left the house, closing the door behind me. Walking down the street to my best friends house, I became a nervous wreck. Was I really don't the right think by telling him?

  Yes, now shut up and walk. Your one step closer to getting the guy you've always wanted.


Ugh it's really late where I live so I'm going to go to bed. I meant to write another chapter about what happens at Andrew's but I realized it'd take me a year. That's why I'll continue it tomorrow when I've thought over what I want to write, in which order.

  I'm sorry to leave it like this, I know the suspense is literally killing some of you, but I swear I'll update it tomorrow.. I always do!

     Good night!!❤️

   Hmm.. predictions on what will happen?

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