Boring Life

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(Name) POV: 

It was another day at school. It was very sunny and bright but for me... it's another bad, gloomy day. I've been bullied for two years now, and no matter what I do, it's not stopping. The main reason on why I get bullied is because I watch anime and I like it a lot - you can consider me as an otaku. They make fun of me by saying that I'm a kid (I'm 16) and I watch baby cartoons. It may not sound like much, but it affects me a lot deep down inside. 

I've tried stopping it by telling the teacher, even telling the principle/deputy a few times but my school is very careless so they did nothing about it. I didn't want to tell my parents about it because they might say "Grow up!" or "That isn't even bullying!". Basically, they might not support me. Anyway, ever since like last month, I've given up on trying to stop the bullying. Nothing's going to work anyway. 

I went to the kitchen to whip up some breakfast, which was the usual bagel and coffee. I got dressed which was black, skinny jeans and a white pullover - I didn't care much because the bullies would make fun of my either way. 

I got my car keys and drove to school, listening to K-Pop, just BTS Not Today. 

All the underdogs in the world, a day may come when we lose, but it is not today, today we-   

As I was singing along, the sight of my school gates cut me off. I definitely wasn't excited to go to school so I took a deep breath, parked my car and headed inside the gates. 

I put my face down and went to my locker, got my books out and made my way to first period. But before I could enter, the group of bullies snatched my books, and threw it on the floor. I just sighed and picked up the now-damaged books and gave the bullies a glance, signalling to move out of my way to class. 

Maths went by so fast and luckily I don't have any homework. I walked on the school corridors to keep my books in the locker. I didn't have many friends to sit with, so I would grab my lunch and sit on one corner munching on my wholemeal egg and lettuce sandwich, and drinking almond milk. The bullies would even make fun of me for what I eat, since they think it's 'disgusting'. I tell them that it's just a healthy alternative for white bread and regular milk, but they think healthy food is the 'eww' 'yucky' food. 

Once, last year when I was peacefully eating my lunch, the same group of asses came and kicked my lunch from the table and punched me. They said "This eww stuff isn't allowed in the canteen, neither are you! So get lost!" I immediately stormed out of the canteen, with my eyes teary. I went to the bathroom and sat there till lunch was over. I did that for two months. I then realised that why am I wasting my lunch time, being scared of them? So, I went back to the canteen and tried to avoid contact with them - and when I said asses, I really meant it, they are a bunch of asses, no assholes. Even if they did come up to me, I wasn't as scared as before, since I was pretty used to it. 



I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! If you don't know what the story is about, then this story is basically about a girl (or a boy) getting bullied at school and how she (or he) gets away from it. 

If you guys like Naruto X Reader fanfics then please go check out my fanfic! I hope you like that as well! 

I'll be updating every now and then, but if I don't update for a long time, then it's probably because of school homework and that stuff. 

Enjoy the rest of the story! Arigatou gozaimasu!! 

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