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Okay let me tell you my story about what actually happen on that day but first lets start my whole life till what happen after he confessed. It all will be a long story so deal with it.

I'm y/n Monabon. I'm 19 years old. Yes it pretty young for a personal assistant but thats my luck. Do you realise i said Monabon ? Yeah its same as Lisa Monabon , the BLACKPINK member. But we're not blood related. Maybe just coincidence.

I'm a rich smart girl. I went to school and studied at the age of 4. Well, not because i want to but its what my dad want. Pity me. Even a rich kid dont go to school at my age that time. What does it show my dad? Happiness but totally nothing to me. Im the one who suffer a lot not him. He force me to  join all the activities,sports and all of the shit . He even scold  me for being clumsy on the track where he force me to join the run.

I cant believe my dad became a complete stranger to me. He dont even know what it feels like when he force me do things.

But deep in side me, i know he meant alot to me. I love him not because the money he earned everyday but because he's my father.

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