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Okay, today is going to be a long day. Urghh. While i was having a great moment of shower. My dad called me.

"yeoboseyo?""y/n this is dad.""yes dad, what do you want now and please hurry cause i'll be late for work"" i want you to meet me after work at 「insert name of a restaurant」restaurant . And make sure youre not late""ok, but dad wh-" tut tut tut tut.

Seriously? I havent done talking. Too rude for a human being. Too harsh for a father.

Whatever my dad going to say ,im not listening cause im old enough. Im not 5.

At the office

Wow. Too early but i can finish my work that havent finish.

After around 45 mins (forgot to mention i went to work at 8 and my work start at 9 cause thats when my boss came to work), still have 15 mins and my work all is done.

Because of certain reason, i got bored. I glance on my wrist watch and its 9.05am. Shit im five minutes late and im gonna be dead.

I rush to my boss office. While running , i bumped someone chest and thats when a very embarrassing moment happen. My pencil skirt was accidently ripped. From a knee length became a mid length of my thigh. Argh fuck.

Bambam pov

Oh shit. Why did she run? I cant see her face so i bent down and look at her but before i could bent down i can see her thigh , oh shit her skirt was ripped and oh man holy shit she have a 'nice' thigh. Argh go away thought.

Back to your pov

Shit its my boss. Urg i better get up.

"uhhhmm, good morning boss. Do you want anything?"

'oh man the way she get up make her skirt ripped a little bit' bambam thought" oh. No nothing, just come with me to my office"

"oh sure boss"

Damn it. Why do i have a bad day today. First dad, now boss. Dang it.

On the way to boss office, he say something i couldnt hear. What was he going to say? I hope its not a bad one.

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