...So we met like this...

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.....so we met like this....for the first time. And he named me chuk chuk gadi" I said getting up from bed, moving towards the drawer angrily glaring the photo in my phone. "When you got his photo?" "I clicked it when he was with his friend" said I remembering about the day."well...by the way the name sounds cute" said the voice and I glared her gesturing "really!!" "are you not his friend??" The voice asked managing and controlling laugh. "Why you clicked his pic?" Confused questions were fired on me. "Not yet... thankfully" I faked a smile. "And I clicked his pic as I always do whenever I find strange creatures." I clarified. "Now what??....are you...?" The voice grabbed my attention. "Wait wait....no way...I and he...please" The feeling of hatred showered within me. "Oh my God.... see the girl who is going to fall in love very soon" The dramatic voice again grabbed my attention. "My dear shraddha di..." I said softly keeping my phone on table. "Why are you so much worried for me every time!!" I placed a light hug sitting beside her on bed, she needed it most that time. Di smiled, as I expected "Is he handsome?" She asked. "Di...." "It means he's not!!" "No he is..." I finally stated.... thinking atleast this must be right."Well its good for you!! He's handsome and will keep you happy" shraddha di says happily caressing my hair. "Will you please shut up...." I glared her. "Ok ok but fulfill my one wish...I want to meet him." Di's exciting voice made me irked. "But...." "why are you hesitating? Can't I meet him?" She asked. "I'm not hesitating... but what's the need to?" I stated as it was the only option to ignore the discussion. Maa entered with a glass of milk. "Maa... don't you think the person who saved our princess must be awarded?" Di's fishy smile was easily visible. "Yes why not!!...thapki beta...invite him for dinner yesterday.." maa said sitting near me. "Maa please.." I was interrupted by non other than my shraddha Di "an order is an order" her dramatic voice giggled. I threw the pillow on her, and she threw it back. And we both laughed. "My thapki... is safe today because of him...I want to meet him" maa smiled with her wetty eyes. "Ok I'll try" I said with an uneasiness placing my head on her lap, the warmth I was seeking to overcome from my nervousness. "Aww my dear... I missed this so much" Di said caressing her hands over my hair. And then she too lied her head on maa's lap. "Don't worry dear....I'll make dad ready only when I like him" Di hissed, mischievously giggling again. I again threw the pillow on Di. My family is full of such drama artists!! Really.

The bright sun welcomed the next beautiful day. "Di I'm leaving for college.... see you" I said while managing my favorite bag...which dad had gifted me on my 18th birthday... this bag is really special for me. "Wait wait....don't forget to call him for dinner." My dramatic Di laughed. I ignored and left hearing her giggle. Seriously... nothing can help her with this!!

Oh no... I'm already late for my classes.... the teacher will kill me today. Ughhh God.....these stairs... I'm always irritated with the stairs... they actually ask you for extra labour. Ughhh. But as always with no other option I climbed to the 6th floor. Looks like I climbed the Everest...hush!!I was puffing when a voice grabbed me towards itself. "Chuk chuk gadi...your station" a giggling voice filled me with much irk and I entered into my classroom, fumed.

After my long boring back to back three huge classes I rushed to meet him. "Bihaan.... wait..." I called running after him he turned with all papers which he was holding in his both the hands. I was going near him when..ouch... my legs got hit to something... its not the time to analyse the pain...its time to ....fall. My eyes were widening more and more with the each move towards bihaan oh...no..no..no.. My hands hit his chest which makes him fall and splashed myself on him. I was on him now...holding his collar and looking in his deep brown eyes.... The papers were flying in air. And he is staring at me....wait...is he staring me?? Stop stop stop. "Miss chuk chuk gadi... control your speed... you might had killed me today!! " he said laughingly getting. "Shut up you..." I yelled but he even didn't gave me chance to utter anything. Ugghhh...Weirdo. I was thinking about how to invite him for dinner... when his phone rang. "Yes yes I'll be there...I'm coming... sorry for being late." He said hurriedly picking all the fallen papers. His sudden changed behavior was saying something... something which I was not understanding... what was it? "Wait bihaan... I wanted to talk something" I managed to speak "we'll talk later....bye" he left. Strange!! For the first time I'm noticing such a strange behavior of him. My life is really fenced with irritating creatures.

"Its ok dear...he might be busy today...." Di said passing coffee mug towards me. May be... I'm overthinking!! I gripped my hands around the coffee mug to feel warm mug. The flashes of his deep brown eyes were playing infront of me. "What is his subject?" Di asked and I suddenly diverted my mind. Di was sitting on the sofa, infront of the television. I was about to speak but wait..... do I know the answer? "Don't you know....really?" Di looked much amazed. "I don't know....." I uttered. She was shocked. "Only because he saved me from goons it doesn't mean I'll research on him!!" I said. "Ok never mind.... we'll ask him whenever he'll come on dinner" Her drama started. "I'm really excited to meet him" she said blinking at me lovingly. "When are you leaving back for your hostel?" I asked sitting near her. "Ummm....after meeting him for sure" she giggled and her innocence made me laugh too.

"No....he not only saved me from the goons but also accepted my flaw ....not as a flaw. I'm his chuk chuk gadi ...he calls me this because of love..... Bihaan.. Bihaan.. his vision is getting blurry... more blurry...Bihaaaannnnn Noooo...." Hush....it was a dream....I woke up as faster as I could. What non sense was that!! I don't know...!! I observed my room..it was dark and Di was sleeping beside me. It's four of morning I checked out on my mobile phone. "What happened thapki... why you woke up so early?" Di asked in sleepy voice. I ensured her about nothing as I don't wanted to face any tease of her. It doesn't mean her jokes poisoned me or something... I just don't wanted to discuss about it.... it was so uneasy to see that dream. Ok ok...I'm again overthinking!! Let's leave this topic.

"Bihaan..." I finally caught him today. He was busy with his phone standing near the black attractive car. "Yes chuk chuk gadi..." "can't you take my name properly!!" I yelled irritatingly. A voice of giggle with mischievous smile "never" said to me.

"Actually... I wanted to say you something..." I uttered and his shocked face glared me. Did it sound weird? I don't think so....then what happened to him! "I love you too" he flirted with his again giggling voice. "Oh shut up... stop seeing dreams" I fumed. He managed his giggles. "Ok ok fine... what happened say" he asked. "Maa called you for dinner...will you?" I asked and he didn't took even a minute to agree. He was looking happy and when I asked...."food made by a maa is the most important thing of this world... and I can't take any risk to skip it" he said with the laughing tone...but I found it serious.... I don't know why. "Umm....come at 8pm today... everyone will be waiting" I said starting my scooty. He nodded agreeingly and I left him standing there.

I turned back to see him. He was far now...but not so...he was visible to me. His brother came to him. Hey it's Dhruv...my classmate.. not classmate actually... he was my project partner and is senior than me.. but I used to call him dhruv only. But the strange thing is... he's bihaan's brother!! Dhruv never told me!!...They hugged and left in the same car he was leaning over
Hey guys this is Vinni.
Thanks for giving your precious time to read the story 😊
Take care ❤❤❤

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