Chapter Twenty-Six

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Corinne went outside. Everyone was waiting for her. As she made her way outside, she heard the violin music playing softly. Candles floated above the dance floor shining light below. White flowers arranged with a single miradennon were the centerpieces of each table. The room smelled of perfume. More miradennons were arranged beautifully up vine archways. An enormous birthday cake with red trimmings, a large bow and flowers that were woven into the icing sat on a center table. Bright red fish swam through the waters of decorative fountains as the water danced to the music in the background.

Corinne descended the elaborate staircase that wound down to the garden floor. There were flower petals sprinkled all over the staircase. She stopped as she heard a trumpet sound.

Trumpets? They have got to be joking.

She was trying to avoid meeting anyone's eyes.

If they all start bowing I'll die!

The whole room paused and gazed straight at her. Her knees wobbled until she saw familiar faces smiling at her. They were all there: Kael, Maeve, Gavin, Bria, and practically the entire Siri kingdom. She searched the garden floors, and there looking up at her with wide eyes, was Calix. He was so ridiculously handsome; it was almost unfair to be in the same room with him. He smiled his glorious smile at her. Corinne got so nervous, she tripped a little, but quickly composed herself and smiled brightly in his direction. The Queen and King followed behind her.

The next thing Corinne noticed was the Elves. There were about ten Elven guards surrounding Calix and a few Elvin royalty. The party was already segregated. The Siri shunned them and stood far away from their kind. As she continued down the staircase, there was a stunning Elven girl sneering in her direction. She looked a little like Calix, but much more evil almost Gothic, with all of her black eye makeup. She had pale white skin and long black hair. She was talking to another beautiful Elven girl with long wavy black hair, a very curvy body and a stunning black dress, and they were snickering. In fact, she noticed that both of the Elvin women had very pale skin and long black hair. Vampire was the first word that popped into Corinne's head. All of the Elven men were very different from the women. They had olive skin and long blond hair and were dressed in armor with long cloaks.

How interesting?

When she got to the bottom of the staircase, she was instantly surrounded by her family and friends. Corinne's family all took turns giving her hugs and birthday wishes. Her mom wanted her to see the large cake they had made especially for her. She visited with Gavin and Bria for a while as they snacked on the feast that was laid before them.

"You look beautiful tonight." Gavin said.

"Thank you. Do you think it's too much? I didn't go overboard did I?"

"No. You look perfect." Gavin turned his head away to avoid eye contact.

The Siri dancing started. Corinne had practiced a little with Kael and Gavin earlier that day, but seemed to always trip over her feet. Gavin could tell she was a bit uncomfortable and asked her for the first dance. He grabbed her hand. She was so glad it was with him. He understood her so well. He held on to her tight and swirled her around the floor. She kept up as best as she could.

Hey, this isn't so bad. I can do this.

Gavin laughed, "We should have been dancing years ago back on Earth, just so you could have had some practice under your belt. You are doing great, Corinne. I'm just so glad that we are finally home." He happily smiled down at her.

She grimaced, "Am I really that bad at dancing?"

"No, you're doing just fine. I was only teasing," he said. The way he was looking at her was different than normal. Gavin made her feel special.

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