Chapter Thirty-Three

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Corinne felt all alone. She was going on trial in front of all of Aladarien. She didn't understand this law at all.

What a ridiculous thing to be on trial for. Every teenager on Earth would be in prison here. I didn't do anything wrong. We just kissed!

One man even had the gall to shout at her as she passed him on her way to the courthouse. "We don't want mix-breeds in our world."

She felt like a criminal as she was paraded to the trial. The courthouse wasn't inside like she had imagined. It was held outside, for everyone to witness. As she got closer, it reminded of her of the Roman Coliseum. She saw a picture of it in once in one of her history books in high school. The courthouse was an incredibly large open, circular building. As Corinne walked through to the center of the courthouse, thousands of people and many different races sat in the elevated stands, waiting to hear the Tribunal's verdict. People squished in as tightly as they could. The center platform was raised above where Corinne was standing and had three large columns that were made out of pure white marble. In front of the columns were three large golden thrones. Sitting on each chair was one of the three judges of the Tribunal.

Corinne had learned their names before the trial. The Elven judge was named Nera. She had jet black hair which was twisted in long braids that touched the ground. Her skin was as white as snow. Her green eyes pierced Corinne to her soul. She was wearing a long white robe and didn't have any shoes on. The second judge was named Mortimor. The Siruqoy was in the shape of a giant polar bear. His white fur matched the marble columns. He didn't even notice that anyone else was in the courtroom as he intently watched Corinne march up the steps that led up to her place on the stand. Mortimor let out a large growl and Corinne stepped back in fright. She wanted to turn around and run but knew that wasn't an option when she saw the guards directly behind her. She slowly continued up the stairs and saw the last judge. Her name was Hazareen. Corinne was relieved that she was a Siri. Hazareen was older, maybe in her fifties. She had silver lining her dark brown hair and her blue eyes seemed gentle and kind. She was wearing a white cloak and had a long golden scepter that she held delicately.

Elves were on one side of the courthouse and Siri on the other. There were other races present as well; Siruqoy, Fairies, Gnomes, and more that she didn't know yet. She looked to her left and her mother and father were sitting high above everyone else on two magnificent red thrones. Queen Adalyn was nervously strumming her seat. She waved as if everything would be alright.

I need my mother with me during all of this.

Corinne knew that was impossible. She looked to her right and saw Calix's parents being held up by an elaborate, purple and gold carriage. They were actually sitting on top of large beasts. They weren't elephants. She wasn't quite sure what they were.

Queen Ekaterina was dressed in ivory robes. Her black hair was twisted up in a bun and her face seemed smug as she held her husband's hand.

A small man with a pointy nose summoned her to stand and face the people of Aladarien. Corinne walked slowly and felt like her knees were going to give way.

She nervously stood inside a square post carved out of wood that faced the court. A small man stood sternly to face the people of the courthouse. He opened a scroll and read aloud, "Princess Reina Corinne Blakely has been charged of breaking Section III of the Aladarien Creed. According to the law, only the Tribunal can determine her fate." He swiftly walked past Corinne and walked down the steps and off of the platform.

The large white polar shifted in his chair. He sat up tall and spoke; his voice loud and deep. "I will be asking you a few questions." He looked down sternly at her.

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