Chapter 04

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Chapter 4:: Where Are You?


As soon as I realized that Nagisa's room is really empty, panic surge inside me. Without further thinking I searched for the blue hair, hoping it was her.

We searched for Nagisa to every room in their house but found nothing. Opening the doors in rough manner. Not minding if we could break something. All for Nagisa. I searched for her even at their neighborhood but no one knows where she is.

Where are you, Nagisa? Please if this is a joke, please stop it now!


No one. No one. No ONE could say where the hell Nagisa is!

Why? If you have problem just tell it to me. If you can't say it, atleast let me to comfort you. But why? Why did you have to leave? And just like that!

"Did you see Nagisa?" I asked to Kaede and Isogai, hoping. But their faces say it all. No Nagisa. I bit off my bottom lip, and started searched for her again. No matter what may happen, I still going to search for you, until I find you!


I'm on a bus, staring out the window as it goes on it destination. Holding tightly my bag, as well my pain inside. It still hurts! It so hurt!

Why me? Why I have to suffer like this? I didn't do anything to deserve this! Karma!

I don't want to leave, but how I possibly face Karma after what I discovered?! Kaede will positively alright, she has Yuuma...

The memories of that time came in my mind. I cover my mouth to keep my voice.

Karma, i should have told you about it. But I can't! I don't want to see your face sad.

I'm sorry, but I can't! This is the right thing to do. No. It's actually the only thing I could think off.

I'm sorry but I can't bear to see you in pain because of me.

I love you Karma.


A/N:: Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!Thank You! Thank You!Thank You! Thank You!Thank You! Thank You! For reviews and votes~~~

Title:: Since You Took Your Love Away

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