Chapter 06

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A/N:: Hello Luckies~

Okay to tell you the truth, I, myself, surprised at the turn of events on the characters, especially Isogai (-.- ;)

Without further ego... here goes.

Chapter 06

Isogai Yuuma


It's been month and a half since Nagisa went missing.

Since that fateful day I didn't stop searching for Nagisa. I search throughout the net, hoping I could find a place where Nagisa would be.

Day and night I didn't stop, but where are you Nagisa? I'm so worried to you Nagisa.

I know that this is just some kind of game you pull and whoever finds you first will have your unreachable heart.

I don't care what everyone would say about me. By the way I know that your rejection is just way to say 'shape up and be like the man I'm dreaming of!' I did Nagisa! I did it! I'm become man among man but... where are you?

Here I am doing all my best to play your hide and seek game. I love you Nagisa and I'm sure you also love me. Yes, Nagisa I know you love me. I also know that you just using Karma to make me jealous, and I know that you are getting jealous every time I entertaining your sister. Yes Nagisa! I know your feelings for me! Forgive me for using your sister but aren't you the same with Karma?

Once I find you I won't let you go anymore. You'll be mine forever.

But first, time to get rid your sister and Karma.

Wait... now I think about them it's been half of the month since the last time that forever zero cling on me. Hmm... I wonder what happen. Not that I'm interested~

"Karma!" that voice... its forever zero's.

She's just near and yet she calling for Karma and not me? What the hell?! I whip my head where the sound came from and on the waiting shed I saw Karma and vegetable head talking to each other. Whoa~ smirk swell up to my face. So there's no need for me to problem those two; they already rid themselves off. Finally Nagisa is mine!


"Karma!" Kaede came to my side.

Just yesterday Kaede asked if she can join me on my search; she looks determined to find her sister now so I allowed on one condition don't be a burden. I need to focus my mind on searching after all.

"Where we will search now?" She asked.

Well can't blame her I didn't inform her anyway. But something's bothering me.

"Before that... where's Isogai? I expected that you will call him to join us."

"Isogai-kun? Well... he is busy with searching as well."

"And I'm not?" that's offending!

"Sorry! I didn't mean that; what I mean is... I don't know! It's just that I know you can find Nagisa first for sure!" Eh~ evil smirk crept to my face and I leaned near her face that made her flush a blush.

"What is it Kaede~ don't tell me you falling on me~"

Surprisingly for the past 45 days I developed an evil personality, much evil to Kaede's. Well it helps me, especially when I went into trouble while searching. But who think that this will be effective against Kaede.

"H-huh? W-what a-are you t-talking about?! No way in hell that w-will happen!" she huff while turning around trying to hide her very visible blush on her face.

"Oh really~" I chime, making her more flustered

"O-o-o-of course! Also! I know you love Nagisa!" Well I know my limits on my friends.

But I wonder, if my teasing is effective now to Kaede, what about on Nagisa? Will it be effective too? I want to see Nagisa's blushing face that cause by me.

I can't wait to see Nagisa again~


Sweat dropped, I swear I can see Karma's horns and tail that become visible since he started teasing me. Jeez, hey Nagisa how did you keep up with this guy anyways? He is far too different to Isogai-kun! But then why I have feeling that I'm envious on you for having a person like Karma?

You're so lucky Nagisa... I wonder if I'm the one who disappear, who will search for me? Will it be Isogai-kun or... Karma.

Karma, huh? Indeed he is a cold beast but deep inside his a nice person. Really! Nagisa you're so lucky.

I wish I have person like Karma who will want to stay with me no matter what.


—ten seconds later—



I am watching Kaede as she having a fight inside her head for unknown reason. How did I know? Well she is pulling her hair, throwing her head in every direction and screaming 'no way' all over.

As sweat drop dripping down my face, I slowly walking far away from her. I don't want people to know that she's my company. I sighed, I already warned her not to get crazier than she already is, but she still did. Another sighed escape from my mouth. I have tree on my side. Sigh again.

Luck will run away Karma!

Suddenly Nagisa's voice ring to my head. I whip my head to every direction to see if there signs of Nagisa but nothing.

I smile as I remember the time that Nagisa told me those words before. Luck, huh... if lucks are real then I can't afford to make them run after all luck might bring me to you, right Nagisa.

"Hey Karma!" Kaede call me out my train of thoughts "you didn't answer my question... also... why did you get away from me?!"

"Because you're acting like crazy again." I no longer scare that Storm might appear again on her. Though, all of the sudden she pouted. What? Is she thinking that I will think she's cute or something? She is pretty much like a uhm... let's see... poodle. Anyways "Yesterday the bus station called me, they informed me that they found the CCTv footage on the day Nagisa disappear. After checking those, we will go to telecom site if they are able to locate Nagisa's GPS. If we were lucky we might found Nagisa for the next days."

"Luck? I didn't know you believing on those..."


"Nagisa made you believe in those? Wow Nagisa is really amazing!"

"She is..."


"Welcome Nagisa-san. I'm glad you finally came. Come inside." The man with black hair that reached to his nape and dark eyes, welcome me as soon as he opened the door.

He stand on the side to make a way so I could get in.

A/N:: Heya~~~

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