Chapter 09

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Chapter 09

Crazy on High


I stare out the windows of our moving car.

Karasumi Tadaomi, the person that have knowledge where Nagisa exactly is, gave us a ride using his black Porsche towards of our destination; the Mansion of Hope.

Thing is, Karasuma-san didn't tell us why Nagisa came in to their care; and to think that the purpose of that organization is to take care the youngsters that fell into despair because of the society, illness and many more. I can't think of a reason why Nagisa would come to that place. She doesn't have any kind of sickness—does she?

So here we are, going there with lots of questions.

Well... all I really want right now is to see Nagisa; the questions can wait later.

Next to me is Kaede who constantly tapping her phone; she has been calling Isogai since we decided to leave the restaurant where we met Karasuma-san, but that antennae boy haven't answering.

"Stop it Kaede." I told her, not turning to her direction.


"Isogai might be busy on something else." Without any further ado Kaede stopped and just play something on her phone.

But knowing how much Isogai likes Nagisa what I said to Kaede is entirely impossible; but where he can be by now?

Just thinking him making me have bad feeling. No one knows it; no one but me, that that antennae boy is actually a full time pyscho.

We better find Nagisa before him or I might lost Nagisa forever.

According to Karasuma-san the mansion is located behind a mountain and to get there we must travel at the mountain side road; and we're at that mountain, it means we're almost near to you, Nagisa.


I smiled as I can see their car getting near to the trap that I've prepared.

You will never reach Nagisa Karma because Nagisa is mine! Oh~ and you can drag that green flat vegetable in hell with you.

I then heard a roar coming from the sky, I look at it and smirked even more; seems like the heaven is on my side.

It started raining.

Good thing I still wearing my rain coat. I take my sweetie, the shovel. I hear a clank when I position the end to the huge rock that in the edge of the mountain side. I grinned, everything is in place now. No one, more specifically you Karma, could stop me from taking my sweetheart Nagisa.

She's mine...

Just more second Karma,

She's mine...

Have a great trip in hell veggie!

She's mine ALONE


[No one]

The heavy rain has cause worst misfortune on the three people riding in the black Porsche. No one saw it coming, even with their keen vision Karasuma and Karma couldn't think fast when they saw the huge rock befell on their car.

Their car flip and started to roll off the side of mountain along with huge rock.

Meanwhile Isogai watching their misfortune that made by him. He delighted to what he is watching.

'I no longer have rival to Nagisa's heart. Anyways Nagisa only loves me!' he couldn't hold himself and instead he let out all. He laughed to his heart's content 'I'm the winner Nagisa! I win into your game! You're all mine now Nagisa! Nagisa! Nagisa! Nagisa! Nagisa my love! I'm coming!' the pyscho then take his first step towards his dream.

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