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The weekend had come sooner than Jessica hoped and before she knew it she found herself sitting in the car, heading towards the place she once called home. She knew that it was a good thing to do. It would do her only good to get under people and talk with an old friend again.

Leo was probably right. Ryan would think of her and she only hope that Sarah and her kids kept their mouth shut about what happened. She didn't want Ryan to think Leo was a bad guy. She was worrying too much.

Just as always she slept most of the hours long car ride and woke up as soon as the car stopped infront of their hotel. It wasn't the best one and that's what they wanted. She no longer was a star. She wasn't seen in public for a few months and changed how she looked so that she could finally start a new life.

Her once golden curls were now a dark brown and had grown quite a bit. The big sunglasses she wore most of the time covered most of her face. Speaking was not something she did in public. People could recognise her voice and their plan of her staying unknown thrown out the window.

He took their package and they walked in. Leo did all the talking and soon they were alone in their hotel room. It was already late so they decided to just go to bed and leave the rest for the next day. Jessica slept through most of the drive so she wasn't as tired as Leo. Her thoughts about what could go wrong kept her wide awake through most of the night.

While Leo was peacefully sleeping was it almost impossible for Jessica to find peace. She was so nervous and excited like a kid before christmas or birthday but her nervousness was the bad kind. She suddenly had doubts... Was it really a good idea?

Time went by really slowly and it felt like ages to Jessica for the sun to come up and Leo to slowly put her arms around her and kiss her neck softly. "Let me guess... You didn't sleep one minute?" he said and she smiled at him.

"You know me just too well," she said and kissed his lips. "Don't worry baby. Everything will be alright," he said and pulled her even closer. She needed his near. That's all she wanted. To feel him next to her, knowing she wasn't alone.


Leo had somehow arranged a fake interview with Ryan and only god knows how he did that but Jessica didn't want Ryan to know he is going to meet her or he would have called her kids and Sarah and everybody else.

Jessica stood in middle of the room, nervously biting her nails and waiting for Ryan to arrive. He was late already and with every minute that went by she got even more nervous. "He isn't going to come. Let's go!" she said scared but Leo looked her deep into the eyes and said, "We came so far just to go now? No... We'll stay and he'll come. Don't worry. It is not good for you and not good for the baby so just try to remain calm..."

She took a few deep breaths with him and continued walking around the room nervously. Suddenly the door opened and she jumped behind a paper wall and hid behind there. Her heart was beating so fast she thought it would jump out of her chest at any second.

"I am sorry that I am late... I had a lot to do," Ryan said and Jessica knew she should come out but she just couldn't. "Where is the camera and all the other stuff for an interview?" Ryan asked confused.  "Well this is not an interview... I lied," Leo said and Jessica knew that Ryan would be angry.

"What?! That is just a waste of my god damn time! You are going to be-" he stopped mid sentence and looked at the Jessica who stepped out of her secret spot. He looked at her confused. He knew that woman.

Suddenly it hit him. She changed... She had now brown hair. "Jessica?" Ryan asked surprised and shocked at the same time. "Ryan..." Jessica said and smiled at him nervously. "God where the hell have you been!?" he said and came walking towards her. He pulled her close until he felt the bump between them and broke away, looking at her belly. "And what the hell is that?"

"It's a long story..." she said and smiled at him. "I don't care! I'll cancel every damn appointment just for you... I missed you. I don't like the way we parted and then you disappeared and I didn't even had the time to apologize..." Jessica smiles softly.

She looked past Ryan and saw Leo smiling like a child in a candy shop. She looked back at Ryan and said, "I assume you haven't heard about him..." Ryan looked back at Leo and suddenly it hit him... He was that ass that took away Jessica.

Rage took over him and he walked fast towards Leo, wanting to punch him but Jessica was faster. "Ryan don't!"

"Why? He hurt you..." Ryan said and looked at Jessica with worry in his eyes and then at Leo but with anger and rage burning inside of him and his eyes. "You don't know the story... You just heard it. You know how people are. They like to think of their own little stories and ruin something with this stories of their own... He is my husband and I love him to death. He is the reason I am here today. He kind of forced me to go because he didn't want me to lose contact completely and I am thankful he did and I am thankful I chose you to visit... don't make me regret that decision..."

Ryan looked at her and knew she was right. He was too fast with judging... He knows too well that people like to make up stories jus to make something more dramatic. "I am sorry," he said and looked at Leo apoligising.

Jessica hugged Ryan againd and he whispered softly into her hair, "I missed you so much. Don't you dare to ever go away again..." Tears ran down her face and she whispered back, "I am sorry but that is impossible. I don't belong here anymore... I have my own and new life now. I am about to be a mom again. I am finally happy again. I will be gone after tomorrow and this time for good."

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