I need to go now.

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"Oh my god Jessica I missed you so much," Ryan said after a few hours of laughing and talking. He actually like Leo a lot and he could see how happy he made Jessica. He didn't see this happiness in her eyes for a few years and he knew that Leo was the reason for it. He knew how much Sarah missed Jessica and he felt bad for sitting here and talking to her while Sarah was still missing her so much.

Jessica didn't pay attention to what he was doing so he took out his phone and messaged Sarah where he was and that he had a surprise for her. Before Jessica saw him texting with somebody Sarah had already answered that she was on her way.

Ryan knew Jessica would drive off if he told her and so he didn't. "Where do you two live? I mean I would love to visit you one day..." Ryan said and suddenly Jessica became quiet. She didn't know what to say but she did know that it was not an option to tell him where they live.

"Ryan... I know this sounds cold and harsh but... I meant what I said. This time we will be gone for good. We came because he didn't want me to lose contact but I am fine with losing contact. I will never forget anybody of you but I need to let go. I have other things to worry about..." Jessica said and Ryan looked at her sad.

"You really want to leave me alone with crazy Paulson?" He asked sadly and made Jessica laugh. "Come on... Sarah isn't that bad," Jessica said and just in that moment the door openend and the one person they were talking about came into the room. Jessica looked at Sarah, who looked at her phone and didn't see who was in the room with Ryan.

"Sarah?" Jessica asked confused and a tear welled up in her eyes. "Jessica?" Sarah said and let everything in her hands drop and ran towards her, hugging her tight. "I thought I would never ever see you again," Sarah said, crying into her shoulder. "I know... I missed you," Jessica said and pulled her as close as possible.

"Never ever go away... Please stay here," Sarah said and knew the answer already. She wouldn't let her go again. She blamed herself for seeing her kids so miserable. She could have stopped her but she didn't.

"You know I can't..." Jessica said and smelled at Sarah's hair, feeling like the old times. "Why can't you? You lived here for the past years... you don't need to go now," Sarah said and Jessica backed out of the hug.

"I thought you'd understand me... but obviously you don't," Jessica said and Sarah began to panic... "Jessica I didn't mean to. Of course I understand you," She lied and tried to make her stay for a little bit longer so she could call her children. Maybe they could make her stay.

"Please Jessica stay a little bit longer... I haven't seen you in months and we had such a lovely time... I want to have more of you before you disappear again," Ryan said and got Jessica's attention. "Well you are right... Let's enjoy the time we still have left," she said and smiled at him warmly.

"Well Leo would you come with me to the toilet please?" Jessica said and Leo nodded, following her out of the room. But they didn't go to the toilet. "Wait the signs say that the toilets are that way," he said confused. She kept walking and said, "We need to hurry up before security stops us. I know Ryan and I know Sarah. They won't let me go. Sarah is probably texting my children right now and Ryan is telling his guards to net let me out of the building."

She put her glasses back on and zipped up her jacket. Leo followed her down the stairs and towards the exit. Just before they reached the huge glass doors they were stopped by a security guard. "Where are you headed to?" he asked and looked at Jessica.

Jessica prayed he wouldn't recognise her. "My sister and I are on our way home. It's quite late and we thought it would be best to come back tomorrow. We had an appointment with somebody but he didn't show up," Leo said in a russian accent and the guard directed his attention to him.

"Well then until tomorrow!" The guard said nicely and let them pass. As soon as they were out of the building she said, "Where did that russian accent come from?" He laughed and said,"There are many thing you don't know about yet..."

Jessica's children didn't live far away from the building Ryan and Jessica met so they were almost there when they saw a black car pull out of the driveway and speed down the street. "Wait wasn't that mum?" said Walker and his sisters told him to follow the car.

Jessica and Leo didn't notice the car following them and so they stopped, not knowing her children were right behind them, in the parking spot of the hotel. They stepped out of the car and she walked over to him and kissed him deeply. "I love you so much," she said and he picked her up in bridal style, making her laugh.

Her kids watched this with opened mouth. "She looks happy," said Hannah with tears in her eyes. "Yeah, she does," said Walker. "Maybe we were wrong for calling her names and making him bad," said Shura and Walker wanted to protest but he knew his sisters were right.

Her mother wasn't that happy in years. "Would she be unhappy again if she stayed here?" Hannah asked suddenly and said what everybody was thinking. "I don't know but I think so..." said Shura and they looked all sad out of the window. "Should we go in or just drive home?" Walker asked and they didn't know what to answer.

Should they go or shuld they drove home and forget that she was only a twenty minutes away from them? They didn't know...

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