It will be us three

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Jessica and Leo soon arrived at their house. Jessica opened the front door and stepped in first. "Home sweet home," she said and smiled at Leo behind her. He kissed her and said, "Now lay down so I you can get back all of your energy. You look tired."

She leaned against him and closed her eyes. "Won't you come with me?" she asked and he sighed. "I'd love to sleep but I have to go to work. I couldn't take more days off," he said and she nodded sadly. "Stay safe and don't forget... I love you," she said and kissed him before he closed the door behind him.

She slowly walked into their kitchen and pured herself a glass of water. She was sad that he was always gone and she always alone but she knew she couldn't work and they needed the money. She learned to be thankful for their given time together and not to take anything in life for granted.

She took a smal gulp but decided to let the rest of it stand on the counter since she wasn't really thirtsty. She walked up the stairs and into their bedroom. She looked around the room and remembered all the good memories.

That's what she needed. Possitive energy. After the final loss of her children she needed everything positive she could get. She took one of his favorite shirt out of the closet and put it on. She laid down and hugged his pillow tight before she cried herself to sleep.


Leo came home the next morning to find his wife sleeping peacfully in their bed. She looked sad and he knew she had cried. He felt bad for her. He knew what she went through and wished she didn't have to. He imagined her kids arriving at the hotel and how sad they'd be to find out she is gone... again.

He took off most of his clothes and slowly got into the bed next to her. She moved slowly and her eyes began to flutter open. "You are back..." she said and cuddled up to him. "Yeah, I am back. Sorry I didn't mean to wake you," he said and kissed her lips softly.

She whispered something he didn't understand and fell right back asleep. He looked at her and noticed the cute bump. He couldn't believe that this was his kid inside of her belly. He was the luckiest man on earth to be fathering one of her children. 

He knew she'd be a great mum. She had already shown that with how beautifully all of her kids turned out. He hugged her close and took a deep breath and inhaled the sweet scent of her skin. He knew he was lucky to have been chosen by her.

He was an ass. She stayed. Well she didn't have much of a choice but still she stopped complaining and gave herself completly away. She loved him and he knew that it was true love. After all he did she still loved him with all of her heart. He'd never known how strong love could be until he met her.

And with the thought of her on his mind he slowly drifted off to sleep.


"So what do you think we should do on the weekend?" Jessica asked and stuffed the toast into her mouth. "Mhh. I don't know. We can't go out like other couples so we don't have much of a choice..." Leo said and smiled at his glowing wife.

"We still could go on a walk. When I was pregnant with Walker it really did me well. I mean around here is so much wood, I don't think anybody will see us," she said and Leo smiled at her. He knew how much she missed being outdoors and he couldn't keep her locked up in their garden so he agreed.

"Yeah I guess we could do that," he said and she hugged him, already imagining the paths they would walk down. "So how are you feeling today?" he asked her and she stuffed another piece of toast into her mouth.

"I'm better than the past few days. The morning sickness hasn't been bugging me much and I am really happy to be home again. I missed spending time with you alone," she said and smiled at him, not being able to hide the sad aspect of the smile.

"You miss them, don't you?" he asked and she nodded. "It's just so hard to not miss them. I mean I have carried them nine months inside of me and seen them grow up," she said and he took her into his arms and she began to cry.

"I know honey... I mean this doesn't have to be a goodbye forever and you know that," he said and she shook her head. "It has to be. I will only hurt them more if we keep going on like this..." she said and he nodded, understanding her.

"But what if you just see them from time to time without them seeing you. You could watch your grandchildren growing up from far away," he said and she just shook her head. "A clean cut will do us all good," she said and he kissed the top of her head.

"I am so sorry Jessie," he said and a single tear escaped the corner of his eye. "One day we'll live in the public again and then you will be happy again," he said and she looked him in the eyes, not believing he thought this way.

"Don't you think I am happy with you right now, because I am. I don't want anything to change. I am happy to be pregnant with your baby. It will be us three for the rest of our lives..." she said and kissed him sweetly.

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