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Two weeks had passed since Jessica got to know that she is pregnant. Leo's parents would come back in a few hours and Jessica was really nervous.

They didn't tell them that she was pregnant and they would at dinner. She hoped they would be happy. She hoped they would like her.

She wanted to do everything perfect and so she cleaned the whole week, careful not to miss a spot.

Leo came into the living room and sat down on the couch next to her. He pulled her into his lap and hugged her close.

"You know baby. I hate bringing this topic up now but I need to. When you gave birth the chances are very high to get pregnant and if  you take the right medication we could get pregnant again. That means as soon as this baby is out of your belly we need to have sex." He said and kissed her softly onto the lips.

She looked at him shocked. He couldn't be serious! She could not have sex so short after giving birth! It would kill her. It would hurt worse than anything else.

"I know it will hurt but we hurry up okay?" He asked and kissed her again.

She just nodded. She learnt that she shouldn't complain and that no wasn't an answer to any of his questions.

He kissed her again and his hands wandered to the hem of her shirt. He wanted to pull it over her head but she stopped and said "Your parents could come every minute."

"I don't care. They can wait. I can't." He said and moved her hand to his bulge.

She chuckled and he picked her up. He walked with her to their bedroom and gently placed her on the bed. His hands moved over her whole body.

He kissed her passionately and soon her tongue moved over his lips, begging for entrance. He opened his mouth and her tongue slid into his mouth and battled with his.

He pulled her shirt over her head and his hands began to massage her breasts through her bra.

They heard the front door open and she wanted to stand up but he pushed her back down.

"Relax. When they hear what we are doing, they go into the kitchen and wait." He said and kissed down her neck.

"But I can't relax when I know someone is listening to us having sex. I promise you when we stop now, I will please you through the whole night." She said and looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Through the whole night?" He asked and she nodded. "Then let's go and greet my parents." He said and pulled her up with him.

She put her shirt back on and they walked down the stairs hand in hand. She hid a little bit behind him when they finally faced his parents.

"Nice to see you again son." Said his father and hugged him tight.

His mother stood there and didn't move a single muscle. She waited until her husband let go of their son and Leo approached her.

She hugged him and said "I missed you Leo."

His father looked at Jessica and  she looked to the ground. "You have a beautiful wife Leo." He said and she looked up at him and blushed slightly.

"Thank you." She said shy and looked over at Leo.

Leo came back to her and took her hand in his. His father looked around the room and said "I can't remeber the last time this house was as clean as it is now." 

"Jessie cleaned the house every day through the week like three times before she did something different." Leo said and chuckled.

"Wow Leo. I am proud of you. You disciplined your wife very fast. Not even my wife was this far after one month and three weeks."

Jessica blushed and Leo squeezed her hand. "She cooked dinner so I hope you are hungry because I am." He said and his father laughed.

"Always the hungry one."


"So dad we need to tell you something." Leo said and took Jessica's hand during dinner.

He looked at her with sparkling eyes and said "You are going to be grandparents. Jessica is pregnant."

His mother looked at her with a sad expression in her eyes and his father looked at her proud.

"Really how far along is she?" He asked excited.

"She is one month pregnant." Leo said and looked at his wife proud.

His mother looked at her plate and Jessica noticed the sad and pitiful expression on her face. She wanted to know why she looked like that at her but she knew if she would ask both of them would be punished.

She needed to talk to her in private when nobody was around. She didn't even need to figure something out because Leo and his father left the house and locked the door after dinner.

"Why did you look so pitiful and sad at me when he told you that I am pregnant?" Asked Jessica and tried to look his mother in the eyes but she had her head down.

"He didn't tell you?" She said and looked up into the clueless face of Jessica.

"Of course not! Why should he?" She said and her eyes became watery.

"You need to run away. Somewhere nobody can find you and as soon as possible. I try to help you but I can't promise anything." She said and looked around the room.

"Why? I love Leo and he loves me. We are becoming parents. Why should I run away now?" She asked confused.

"Jessica did you never wonder why he doesn't have any sisters?" She said and tears made their way down her face.

"This family is sick. When this baby is out of you and it is a girl... They will kill her. They only want boys. You need to run away before this can happen. Believe me it is the worst feeling in the world to hear your baby scream and than suddenly a weird noise and than nothing. They twist their necks. Trust me. You need to get out of here before it is too late." She said and they heard the door openning.

His mother quickly dried her tears and walked up to her husband. She kissed him and they went to bed.

Leo walked over to Jessica and tried to kiss her but she moved her head to the side so he only kissed her cheek.

"What is wrong? What did my mother tell you?" He asked.

She walked into their bedroom and layd down in bed. He came in short after her and pulled her up again.

She tried to fight him but he grabbed her around the throat and said "What did my mother tell you?"

"Nothing!" She said and tried to free herself from his grap.

"Then why are you fighting me?" He asked hurt.

"You would never kill our daughter if I would give birth to a girl, would you?" She asked and tears streamed down her face.

He knew what his mother told her and he let go of her throat. He didn't press hard but he needed her to stop fighting.

He didn't answer her question and she said "Answer my question!"

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