Chapter 3

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Niall’s P.O.V.

I sat at the front of the class like I would always do. As the geek should do.

I always sat alone too, because people thought I was weird for being smart and working hard at school. People only sat by me when they had to for projects.

“Now class, I know you’ve only been here a few hours but I want you all to do a project with a partner on anything you can think of to do with science” the teacher spoke.

Oh great

The whole class groaned, I huffed as I knew most of the dumb and pretty girls would end up running over to me to be my partner for the project, because I always ended up getting A*’s, the lowest I’ve ever got is an A. Anything lower I’d be distraught.

They’d say they would be my partner but I always ended doing all the work. “To make things fair, I’ve put numbers in a jar, I’ll go round the class and have you all pick out a card. The people with matching numbers will be partners until Christmas.”

He picked up the jar and started walking round the class. I dreaded who I’d be put with, he came to the new girl and she picked out a card and showed the card to Harry. He had a disappointed look on his face, guess they weren’t partners then.

The teacher came to me and I picked out the last card


The card colour was red, I looked round the whole class and noticed only one person had a matching card colour to me.

The new girl

The new girl was my science partner.

She noticed we had matching cards and gathered her things and walked over to me and sat down next to me “Hi Niall, I’m Jesy” she beamed.

“Hi” I replied awkwardly.


“So what are we going to do the project on?”


“Just leave me to do it, like everyone does” I mumbled.


“No I won’t, I love projects plus It’d be really unfair on you and I want to get to know everyone better” she smiled.

I opened my mouth to speak but the teacher started talking about how we should be planning what we should be doing for the project for this lesson.


“Right we’ll do planning later” Jesy giggled


“Where should we start the project? My house or yours?” I replied.


“Um is it okay if we do it at yours? My house is a tip and we’re not fully unpacked yet”


“Yeah sure that’s fine” I smiled.


“You have braces?” she asked.




I hate when people see my braces, I always get made fun of about them, the one that always got to me the most was ‘brace face’ I hated that one!


“Yeah” I mumbled lowering my head.


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