Gray x Reader

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Warning slightly mature content!

Your pov

Once again my friends were fighting. It was all that ice princess Gray's fault. If he hadn't hit Gajeel then none of this would have happened. I hate him his magic sucks and he's ugly. Well,maybe not that ugly. Alright he's really hot but he will never notice me. Screw that I'm going home.

My house is really far away from FairyTail in a remote forest so its a long walk home. I began to feel tired and sat on a rock to rest. I couldn't keep my eyes open and slowly I drifted off to sleep.

-Time Skip-

I woke up in a small room alone. Looking around I began to panic. The door was locked and there was no window. My magic wouldn't work there must be some sort of spell blocker or charm. "Help!" I yelled but no one came. "Somebody get me out!" Still no one saved me. Having nothing left to do I sat on the cold dusty floor and cried.

-Time Skip-

Suddenly the door creaked and a burly rugged man walked in. "Where am I?" I asked him. In reply he looked me up and down. "What do you want?" I screamed wanting answers. "That's very simple." He said calmly. "I want money." "You're from FairyTail." He continued. "I bet there's someone that'll pay a pretty penny for you."He sneered. "But in the meantime I'm bored and there's a pretty young lady in front of me." I knew what was coming next. "Lets spend some time getting to know each other shall we?" "No!" I screamed backing away. Without warning he reached for my f/c dress and began ripping it apart. I kicked out screaming and punching but it was no use. He was far too strong and without my magic there was nothing I could do to stop him. Tears filled my eyes as he took of my bra and I imagined Gray's face. "Help me Gray." I prayed.

Suddenly the door flew of its hinges and there stood Gray. Without pausing he jumped at my kidnaper and immediately began to beat him up. After a short fight Gray stood victorious. I was so proud and happy.
"Are you ok y/n?" Gray asked with a sympathetic look in his eyes. "G-Gray." I wimpered looking into his eyes. "You came to save me." "Of course." He replied. "I know you hate me but I-I love you y/n." "I love you too." I replied.

Quickly he swept me off my feet and carried me bridal style outside. As though there was a magnet between us our lips slowly touched and we shared a passionate kiss.

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