Laxus X Mute!Shy! Reader

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Requested by ChopChop444
Your POV

I shivered as I walked down the street. It was dark and I was wary of how weak I was. I sighed wishing I was able to talk to him. Laxus. He's so strong and confident and so hot. I can't talk but even if I could I'd be too scared.

Suddenly a figure loomed out of the darkness and made a grab at me. I whipped around to see him. Laxus. "Hey it's a little late for you to be walking by yourself y/n." I was screaming inside but I tried to remain calm. We started walking together and I shivered. "Oh are you cold? Here have my coat." He wrapped me up in it and pulled me close to him, holding my hand. We walked alongside each other until we reached my house. "Well goodnight y/n." He smirked. I stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. Laxus took a step back in shock before stepping forwards and kissing me. As his warm lips pressed against mine I felt fireworks go off in my heart.

~ Its pretty short but oh well~

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