Gajeel X Reader

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Your POV

I sprinted through the trees hearing the crashing of branches behind me. He was close. "Oy y/n! Get back here!" Gajeel yelled. "Nope you'll have to come get me!" I giggled enjoying teasing him.

~time skip~

After running for what seemed like forever I finally gave in and collapsed on the forest floor. "Finally." Gajeel sighed not seeming out of breath at all. "Ugh Gajeel I'm tired." I moaned. He looked at me in disbelief. "After all that time I spent chasing you, you expect me to just leave you alone?" He said peering down at me. "I know what I should do, I should tickle you!" He chuckled jumping on top of me. "No Gajeel don't!" I yelled screaming with laughter. He continued to tickle me as I squealed with laughter, having way too much fun. He stopped and we lay there a giggling mess. "I love you y/n." "I love you too Gajeel."

Sorry its short T_T

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