Chapter Five: The Shift

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December 21st, 2030

Jem shrank away as one of the masked scientists pushed a cart over to his cage, two syringes lying on it. One syringe was filled with black, bubbling ooze that made him throw up from the agony every time it entered his veins. The other was pale gold, and managed to balance out the stabbing pains with a surge of strength. However, the combination of both mixed painfully in his stomach, so painfully that he could barely move for an hour after the injections and was sore for about twelve more---and since they were administered every four hours, the aches and agony were constants. The threat of the Pit, which had once been one of the most terrifying things Jem could imagine, was now far from his mind; all he could think about was protecting himself and Will.

The encounter with Tessa's mind was all that kept him going; now that he knew that she was alive, that she was safe---or as safe as she could be under the circumstances, and that she was coming for them instilled him with a stubborn determination.

I will survive for her.

He let the scientist take his arm, resisting the urge to spit at them. As much as he hated to admit it, he was utterly terrified of what they could do---up his dosage? Send him to the Pit with more frequent injections? Up Will's dosage and send him to the Pit?---and defiance was more than likely to result in his own pain, or, more likely than not, Will's.

I will survive for him.

He didn't flinch as the scientist injected the needle of golden liquid into his arm, allowing himself to ride the boost of euphoria and strength it brought before locking it down, ignoring the ache and the animalistic terror that suddenly twisted and scrabbled in his stomach. Honey before vinegar, he thought absently as the second was set to his arm.

But I will die for them if I have to.

The pain was instantaneous and he screamed as black liquid entered his veins. He could see it washing through his veins, revolting and terrible as poison. It felt like Yanluo's blood was being poured down his throat again, like pure agonizing electricity, pure and sweet and high and cold and cruel. Another shriek tore from his throat as the world spun away from him, gone into a daze of pain and terrible visions.

Monstrous creatures strode through London, thousands of feet tall, beautiful and terrible as the sun. One flicked their hand, a casual motion, and the earth shot upwards, turning houses to rubble. Another laughed, and a hurricane swirled around them, increasing in power as the monster's booming chuckle grew louder and louder, destroying everything in its path. The foot of a monster wreathed in fire started to come down on a young woman, who screamed and clutched the body of a faceless man to her chest. Jem dove to protect them, only to crash to the ground as they wavered and vanished---an illusion, he realized as the thing's foot crushed him, an illusion created from the flames.
Jem watched as people danced, whirling around in elegant dresses and fine waistcoats. He himself was clad in the fashion of nineteenth century London, he realized, not in gear or modern clothes. Will stood next to him, a little smirk on his face that told him that he was planning something. He furrowed his brow, about to ask, when Will twisted his wrist suddenly, that odd little half-smile still on his face. A small flame sparked into existence, hovering impossibly above his hand. Will flashed a smile at him---not at him, he realized, whirling around in shock. Tessa stood next to him, eyes narrowed and face unforgiving as she stared at the dancers. "Well?" Will said. "Your move, Tess."

Her eyes narrowed. "Turn them to dust."

Jem's eyes widened with horror as Will laughed, the flame flickering in time with his voice. "Thought you'd never ask." The flames roared up into a conflagration, and Jem watched as the fire blasted towards the dancers. It was only when they burned like paper that he realized that they were vampires.
A pool of water, perfectly circular, reflected the moon and stars above him. Jem leaned forward and touched the icy water, trailing his fingers through it, sensing and absorbing its immense strength. The water's power began to surge through his veins, the icy liquid slowing draining from the pool...into him. He watched in mixed awe and fear as silvery-blue streaks began to wind up his arms and hands, forming elaborate symbols and designs. Jem's eyes widened as the streaks of color began to reach downwards, twining over his torso, legs, his entire body, leaving only his head unmarked. As he watched, staring in confusion at the remnants of his reflection in the once-massive pool of water, he saw a glowing four-pointed star appear on his forehead, the water vanishing seconds later.

That immense, immortal power—it was his now.

And there was no way to return it.
Jem woke with a gasp, bolting upright in shock. He felt as if he'd been struck by lightning, doused in ice, fueled with pure adrenaline. The sensation of impossible power that the dream had given him hadn't faded yet. In fact, it had only gotten stronger, pulsing within him like a second heartbeat. He leaned backwards against the wall of the cage, bracing his hand against the—

My hand.

He stared at it for a moment, mind blank with confusion. That doesn't—what are those markings? He brought it to his face, color slowly draining from his face.

His hand—his arms as well, he realized with dread—were covered in odd silvery-blue marking, intertwined like elaborate Celtic symbols. His fingers were webbed together as well, the webbing the same eerily-glowing blue as the marking that covered his body. There were strange growths on his forearms as well, like fins, clearly designed for cutting through water. Jem stared at the creature he'd become, dread pulsing in his throat like the relentless pummeling of the rain.

What have they done to me?

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